Bias or whatsoever

So maybe you don't know this but I don't really have a But the thing is exo is really taking over my used-to-be infinite obsession and they haven't eve debut yet. 0.0 But seriously, how can u have a bias?! Trust me, they're all pretty good looking to me. And unless u have high standards that are higher than me, that phooey >.< Some exo members I find attractive: (no particular order) ALL?!!!!!! XD Lol anyways here are a few that really catches my eye. - Chanyeol, Kris, Se Hun, Lu Han They're all in one line because I find them all equal ^^ Teehee Who's your bias?!


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Hahaha. Your right. I also wonder why I love them already even though they were just showing teasers. And I haven't really set my biases yet. It's hard >.<
Anyway. Lu Han, Kris and Se Hun are one of them. Hahaha :)