I wanna get to know my suscribers/Friends So Lets have some Fun!

Elllo Suscribers, Friends!

I'm Quwanda~

Let's get started knowing each others XD

1. Who is Your Favorite Korean Boyband/Boybands?

2. Who is your Favorite Korean Girlgroup/girlgroups?

3. Who is Your Male Bias?

4. Who is your Female Bias?


1. If you were walking around your college campus and you spot your Bias Across the Campus court, what would you do or say?

2. If you were at a Concert of your favorite band, and your front row seat. your Bias Falls off the stage and into the crowd, onto you? what would you do?

3. You are on a date with your boyfriend and your bia's randomly comes up to you and says " i could love youbetter than he/she can" Your response will be?


Oh My Engrish, name these songs. (You'll win 5 Karma, only 2 winners)

1.) If You Wanna Pretty, Everyone a Pretty~

2.) Cry Cry Can't you see The music~

3.) I really wanna touch myself~

4.) Loveholic Robotronic~



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Quwanda #1
It's ok u 2 Next time though :)
1. big bang, shinee, jyj, and teen top (for now lol)

2.2ne1, f(x) (i loovveee amber XD), t-ara (their songs are jus too catchy)

3. it will always and forever be jaejoong XD

4. amber, i would say more but i never learn the names of girls for some reason


1. be the biggest creeper for a while so i can think of an extremly corny way to bump into him so we can just have a reason to talk but then after like 5mins run outta things to say, have an awkward moment then move on. (lmao i at having convos)

2. compose myself so i can feel EVERYWHERE on him then be like "omg are you ok?"

3. idk what to do in this situation, i thought about it alot lol, i'd probably end up saying "lets just be friends"


1. kara but idk the song

2. t-ara: cry cry

3. dbsk: purple line

4. shinee: lucifer
AbriMathos #3
1. Who is Your Favorite Korean Boyband/Boybands? Right now its: EXO Planet, Block B, B.A.P., SHINee, MBLAQ, Beast, and Tin Tap (Teen Top)

2. Who is your Favorite Korean Girlgroup/girlgroups? SPICA (they're hot ), Rania, Chocolat, 4Minute, and f(x)

3. Who is Your Male Bias? Exo-K's Kai, Block B's Park Kyung, B.A.P.'s JongUp and DaeHyun, MBLAQ's Mir and Rain

4. Who is your Female Bias? Amber Liu, Lady T/Tasha/Gemini/the Queen of k-rap


1. I'm a pro at lurking and making friends XD If he's new, I would walk over his way and ask him if he knows where a certain building is and if he doesn't know I'll ask if he has classes there. If he does, I'll ask if he wants to try to find the building with me. If all goes wrong then I'll just say, "Oh, you look SO familiar! Like I feel like I've seen you before. He tells me who he is, and I'm like oh! That's where I know you from. That's cool. So what are you studying here? *college kids small talk* I've done it too many times XD

2. O________O *jaw drops* *inner spaz* "A-Are you ok?" *touches him and helps him up* "You're ok, right? Can you get back onstage? Can you take me with you?"

3. "How can you be so sure? You've got to prove it. *flirty wink and smile*"


Oh My Engrish, name these songs. (You'll win 5 Karma, only 2 winners)

1.) I actually have never heard that song before and the only reason I would know the answer now is from looking at the person below me and I don't wanna cheat.

2.) Cry Cry - T-ara

3.) Purple Line - DBSK

4.) Lucifer - SHINee