Application for [New K-pop Girl Group] : Idol Life BTS ( Nana-love)



Your Info:

User name:
BRee_22 -


Character Info:

Full Name:
Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hae

Nick Name: 
Sky,Skyby,Jinnie,JinJin,Little Hae

August 18

18(inter) 19(korean)

Half Korean and Half Japanese



Uljjang’s Name:

Lee Da Som

Background Info:


Lee Alexander/father/48/photographer
Lee Sarah/mother/46/model&photographer
Lee Donghae/brother/25/member of super junior
Lee Arden/brother/17/model&student of Seoul High




She is very down to earth,caring,lovable and understanding daughter/Dongsaeng.She is very hard working and she always wants her family to be proud of her.Her personality can warm up everyones hearts.She doesnt really like to boast thats why she hates those kind of people.But when you get on her bad side you should run!!!Even though she has a sweet personality she doesnt like people to look down on her or thinks highly on themswelves.Thats why when she has a bad temper she always brings her sketchpad & ipod to let her anger cool off.But there is a part of her personality that her parents doesnt know.......she is a wild party girl at night^^
She really loves her coke.Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She is very kind and friendly.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good advice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her because she is very friendly.And she really hates it if people touches her coke.She has a collection of caps and high tops but mostly books because she loves to read.She is like a bookworm she always reads books at her free time.She really likes to write songs and produce music.She gets her inspiration in writing songs by her past relationships or on what she see's.When she always pass by a beautiful scenery she will always get her sketch book and she will then draw that scenery.She also loves photography when she was little she always wishes to be like her mother and father. 
She and her brothers are really really close.Her older brother Donghae is very protective of her when some incident happened in the past where Sky was left broken.While Donghae is very protective of her Sky is very protective over her little brother Arden because he is already 17 and that she doesn't want her brother to go through a wrong path in life.She and her brothers favorite thing to do together is going to the gym(that's why they have abs that are to die for even though Skylar is a girl).She and her brothers closeness are really tight to the point where you cant separate them with each other.She became a wild party girl(that is already said earlier) because something happened in the past where she was betrayed by people who she really trust that's why now she has a hard time to trust people and she became a little bit of a rebel because of it.




~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
~cute stuff
~writing songs
~producing music




~horror movies
~two faced
~naggy people
~people who touches her coke
~she doesn't like it when guys keeps staring at her for a long time because it gives her the creeps




~writing songs
~producing music
~playing sports
~going to the gym



~ her lips when she is concentrated on doing something
~stutters or blushes when she is near someone she likes
~likes to smirk when she is performing
~bites her lip when scared or nervous


Idol info:

Stage Name: Skylar or Sky

Position: Lead Rapper

Persona: Funny,Understanding,Can be y at times,serious,playful

Personal Fanclub Name:Starz

Celebrity Friends:
Best Friend:

Close Friends:

~can write in 9 different languages
~can sing 5 octaves
~can dance any genres
~good at free-style rapping



~she has 7 piercings(3 on each ear,one on the bellybutton)
~ she has 5 tattoos(one on each wrist,one on the nape, one on each side behind the ear like rihanna's)
~she has abs but doesnt like to show it even though her brothers or her stylist likes her to wear crop tops or some tops that stops right below the chest
~likes to go to the gym with her brothers
~she is a model like her mother and younger brother in france
~can play 6 different kinds of instruments (guitar,drums,flute,violin,piano,electric guitar)
~can speak 9 different
~ she was a gymnast in the past
~likes to be alone when she is writing or making some beats for the song when frustrated
~she always has a sketchpad wherever she goes because she likes to draw



How You Were recruited:
When was staying in Korea for a while with her brothers her older brother Donghae wanted Sky to audition in an entertainment company to be an idol because he knows that Sky has talent.So when he found out that there was a company that is opening auditions for a girlgroup he signed up Sky for an audition and poof she got in.

Yong Junhyung(Beast/B2ST)

Partners Personality: 

he and Skylar are best friends,they got along pretty well because they have many things in common.He is oblivious that Sky likes him but even though he is like that he also likes Sky.He is really sweet and funny towards his friends.But sometimes he can act cold when he is really angry.He is like an umma to his group members beast because he can be really naggy.

L.Joe-he is the charismatic rapper of Teentop.But when you get to know him,he can be really annoying.He always likes to bully his dongsaengs.But he can also be caring to them even though he is bullying them.

Hoya-even though he looks like a cold hearted person he is really friendly and sweet.He really likes dogs.He can be funny,thoughtful and romantic also.

Extra: She actually lives in Japan with her parents but decided to visit her two brothers and friends in Korea until Donghae got her to audition for an entertainment company and that's when she stayed in Korea permanently.She studies in Seoul University majoring in music and photography. Her height is 174cm and her weight is 53kg

And also you can change anything you  want from my application^^ hope you like my character


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