There's always something funny when IMing with onhyukmin :L

Vicki: I wonder if in the future when we part and go off to different Unis and different jobs if we'll still flip out our phones and call each other to catch up :L

Annie: LOL. Same.

Annie: It's either that or we're both in Korea on a stage :L

Annie: And I'm calling you to come to practice and stop sleeping with Key.

Vicki: LMAO yes I guess that's another path.

Annie: And I'm just in bed with Taemin, OH WELL.

Annie: LOL no, dancing with Taemin :L

Vicki: Hahahaha

Vicki: And I'm the one still in bed :L


Disclaimer: the following extract has been edited so it is easier to understand because there were bits and pieces flying everywhere and was NOT to cover up things we said... *cough*


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