Application for [New K-pop Girl Group] : Idol Life BTS ( Nana-love)


Your Info:
User name: Purplehearts:
Character Info:
Full Name: Park Hayeon
Nick Name: Violet 
Birthday: July 11
Age: 18
Nationality: Korean
Uljjang’s Name: Kim Shinyeong
Background Info:  She was the kind of person that always sat in the corner by herself reading a book. She didn't like to be around people that much. As she grew up in Canada she didn't have many friends. She always watched kids play and hangout. She was known to be the 'perfect child.' She was smart, pretty, nice but once thing overshadowed her real personality. Shyness. She is the most shyest person anyone could ever know. Growing up was pretty hard for her. When she met new people she would just keep her head low and mumble a soft hello. When she turned 14 she started working at her families restaurant as a waistress. She was AWEFUL at it. She was way to shy to take orders, she always worried when the customers got mad and she ended up in the kitchen doing homework. Her parents tried to help her but she always refused. They eventually moved to Incheon cause of a promotion. Hayeon got a bit used to working as a waitress but she never overcame her shyness. Her brother always encouraged her to say whats on her mind but she never listened. She is known to be a good dancer (only by her parents and brother.)
Personality: She is a creative person with a great imagination. She enjoys living in her own inner world. Open minded and accepting, she strives for harmony in her important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know her. She is hesitant to let people get close to her. But once she cares for someone, she does everything she can to help them grow and develop. In love, she tends to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. She is VERY sensitive. She tends to have intense feelings.
When people don't get her, they thinks she is unrealistic naive and weak. She value's inner harmony above all else. Sensitive, idealistic, and loyal, she has a strong sense of honor concerning her personal values and is often passionately committed to making sure her beliefs and actions are congruent. She is also extremely perceptive about people. She value's her uniqueness and typically seeks unconventional ways of doing things. Sensitive and empathetic. She tend to exceptionally adept at reading between the lines. Although she demonstrate cool reserve on the outside, she care's deeply inside. She is compassionate, sympathetic, understanding and very sensitive to the feelings of others. She avoid's conflict and is not interested in impressing or dominating others unless her values are at stake. She often appear reticent and calm. However, once people get to know her, she is enthusiastic and warm.
She is a warm-hearted person by nature. She is sympathetic and understanding. She expects a lot of herself and of others. She has a strong understanding of human nature and she is a good judge of character. She is mostly reserved and confides her thoughts and feelings to very few people she trusts. She is deeply hurt by rejection or criticism. She finds conflict situations unpleasant and prefer harmonious relationships. She has a lively fantasy, often an almost clairvoyant intuition and is often very creative. Once she has tackled a project, she does everything in her power to achieve her goals. In everyday life, she is often proved to be an excellent problem solver. She likes to get to the root of things and has a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. At the same time, she is practically oriented, well organised and in a position to tackle complex situations in a structured and carefully considered manner. When she concentrates on something, she does so one hundred percent - she often become so immersed in a task that she forgets everything else around herself. She prefers a quiet work environment where she can intensively deal with her responsibilities and are not disturbed by too many people and repeated distractions. She needs a lot of time to dwell on her thoughts, to put them into words and let her ideas take shape.
She is grateful for a certain measure of order and structure in order to achieve this, and being able to deal with one project after the other, thus not having a number of responsibilities at one time. She doesn't like being overloaded . She has a capability to concentrate is unusually great and very often she becomes engrossed in something and forget everything around her. She feeler types. This fact is partially the reason that she have a very strong insight into human nature and enjoy dealing with people. She is interested in the people around her and has a real sense for her motivations, needs and abilities. Her talent to see the best in everybody and her keen wish to understand others and somehow contribute to their wellbeing predestine her to work with people. She is not into holding major speeches for large audiences. In those professions, when advancing others in their personal development or to help them in any other way is the issue, she is unbeatable. She is extremely sensitive, and her social competences are developed above average. As a result she has no problems working with people or being a team member. 
-Spicy Food
-Nice People
-Mean people
-Girly things (Some)
-Vegatables (Some) 
-Tight Clothing
-Pink (Depends)
-Listening to music
-Biting her nails
-Biting her lips
-Fidling with her fingers when she is awkward or embarassed.
-Kracking her knuckles
-Blinking nonstop when confused
-Speaks to herself when she is in trouble or annoyed.
Idol info:
Stage Name: Violet 
Position: Vocalist & Main Dancer
Persona:  Very quiet and barely talks. Only talks the people she is comfortable with.
Personal Fanclub Name: Angels
Celebrity Friends: Jiyeon from T-ARA, JR from NU'EST and Himchan from B.A.P
-She is a hidden jokester.
-Dancing is her passion. 
-English name is Violet Park
-Favourite colour is Purple
-She is born in Canada
-She speaks Korean, English, French and Spanish
How You Were recruited: Did some video's on Youtube and eventually got a call. 
Partner: Woohyun Nam from Infinite, Chanhee Lee (Chunji) from Teen Top or Junhyung Yong from BEAST. 
Partners Personality: He is very funny, warm hearted and kind. Well, depends on who your taking about. If he doesn't like someone he has a really cold personality.
Extra: Group name could be PURITY! And the fanclub name PURIFIERS. Also you can change anything in my application! 
Lead vocalist
Vocalist & main dancer
Lead rapper
Supporting vocalist
Vocalist & rapper


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