Beautiful Girls Application

Application: Prettyangel25

Contact Info: N/A I’m always on Aff so if you need to contact me you can just message me :)

Username: Prettyangel25
Link to Username:

Tell me about urrrr charaterr :D

Name: Alexandria SunHee Jung
Nicknames: Lexi (everyone), Ali (her brother)

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Age and Birthday: 17 | 02/05/95

Star Sign: Aquarius

Blood type: AB

Nationality: Korean

Ethnicity: 50% Italian & 50% Korean

Hair / eye color: Long, Wavy Dark Brown Hair (almost black) | Grey eyes with specs of blue

Height / Weight: 160cm | 49kg

Personality:  Lexi is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn’t care who you are or who you think you are, if it’s against her own personal morals she won’t do it. She hates being told what she can/cannot do; unless you’re an adult whose opinion matters to Lexi she’ll tell you to “Who asked you? Nobody wants to hear your nasty voice.”

Lexi is well known for her short-temper and sharp tongue. She is very blunt and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. She isn’t mean/rude to someone for no reason, Lexi always has a reason; even if that reason may be “You annoy me” or “I hate you voice” or “Your smile makes me want to puke” Think twice before you throw any punched towards Lexi, she is a very good boxer and can knock someone out in a matter of seconds. Don’t even think about getting in a verbal fight with her either, her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is also extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth (only when angry).

Despite her tough exterior, Lexi is a fun-loving, energetic teenage girl. She can be goofy and is always making jokes. She loves pranking, teasing and cracking jokes with her friends. Lexi also has a little erted side to her and tends to make sly comment such as “That’s what she said”

That’s Lexi off-stage and behind the cameras; on-stage, in front of the camera; Lexi is a whole different person. Her eyes lure people in, her moves are flawless and her voice is always on point.

Romance isn’t something Lexi thinks about. She thinks that she love is a distraction and she can’t afford to have distractions on her life. She feels like she is way too busy to have a love life and; likes being single. She does have a few crushes here and there but she never acts on them.


  • Dancing
  • Boxing
  • Volleyball
  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Listening to music
  • Designing clothes
  • Shopping
  • Taking pictures
  • Hanging out with her brothers and friends
  • Playing her instruments
  • Daydreaming


  • Family & Friends
  • Music
  • Pokemon
  • Amusement Parks
  • Anything and everything that has to deal with fashion
  • Vintage Clothing_20s-50s
  • Spicy Foods
  • The Rain
  • Shopping
  • Bubble Tea
  • Sleep
  • Photography
  • Korean Dramas
  • Japanese Anime & Manga
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Astronomy
  • Lollipops


  • Being woken up
  • Early mornings
  • Bad smells
  • Answering stupid questions
  • Crying
  • Chocolate
  • Smoking/Smokers
  • erts/Players
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Cheaters_ people who cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend
  • ty, arrogant, y girls

Any Fears or Obsessions, Problems?:  She hates injections/needles; ever since she was a kid she’s hated them. She saw a scary movie where this doctor would inject his patients with poison and they would die a slow, horrible, painful death.

Ulzzang/Looks: Lee Da Som




Trivia/ Habits:

  • Lying with a straight face_only her brothers can tell if she is lieing
  • Ruffles her hair when she is nervous
  • Bits her lip when she is around someone she finds attractive
  • Rolling her eyes
  • using her sarcasm when she is annoyed
  • Sings while she is in the shower
  • Sticks her tongue out randomly, whenever she feels like it
  • Bouncing her leg/ tapping her foot when she is sitting
  • Has a puppy Rottweiler named Boo_
  • Even though she hates chocolate she eats dark chocolate
  • Has a weak spot for kids
  • She started dancing when she was 2
  • Her favorite color is Turquoise
  • Her favorite/lucky number is 25
  • She has an obsession for: Pikachu, Eminem (the rapper) and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  • She is a huge fan of: Shinee, DBSK/TVXQ, Super Junior (including M), Big Bang, 2ne1, Ft island and Teen Top
  • Her ultimate bias is Jung Yunho (from DBSK)
  • Only allows her brother and cousin to call her Ali (with the exception of her two besties)

Background: Lexi's mom is Italian and her father is Korean. Her mother moved to South Korea when she was 15 because of her father's job. She and Lexi's father were high school sweethearts, the two got married right after they graduated.4 years later they had another son named Jung Dae Hyun, then 2 years later they had a daughter named Alexandria SunHee Jung. Lexi's life before her debut was pretty normal; she was used to the paparazzi and the media being all up in her personal space because of her famous older brother.

Family Members:

Mother| Theresa Jung-42-6th grade Music Teacher- Theresa is very patient and caring. She is always putting other's needs before her own.

Father| Tae Hyun Jung-43-Music producer- Tae Hyun is a very hard-working, focused man. As a father Tae Hyun is very loving and supportive. He loves his family and would do anything for them.

Older Brother| Dae Hyun Jung-18- B.A.P- Dae Hyun is very much like his very shy and observant on the outside but cute and cuddly on the inside. Dae Hyun is very tough and very protective over his sister.

Cousin| Jung Yong Hwa-22-C.N. Blue- Yong Hwa is a prankster and loves to have fun. He is very friendly and makes at least one new friend every day. Yong Hwa is very protective over his little cousin and is always there to lend a helping hand. He is like another older brother to Lexi.

Professional History:

How Long Have you Been training?: 3 years

Trainee History:  Daehyun was the one who pursued Lexi into auditioning; his exact words were “You need to be famous, just like your amazing big brother”. For Lexi trainee life was more of a drag.  She soon started posting videos of her singing, dancing and rapping on youtube. When she found out that the company knew about her videos she thought she was going to be in trouble. Well the exact opposite happened instead she was praised for how much her vocal and rapping skills increased and decided to give her skills seriously.  {Me- sorry I’m not that good when it comes to the trainee history >.<}

you are a super starrrrrrr:

Stage Name:Lexi

Persona: Busan’s Italian Princess

Position: Triple Threat – Main Dancer – Lead Rapper

Links to Position:







Personal Fanclub name and Color: Bratz _Hot Pink

Twitter/Facebook/Me2Day/Cyworld?: Twitter: Babie_Lexi25, Facebook and Me2day

Side Jobs?: Model and Acting

Languages: Korean and Italian –Fluent  | English- semi fluent

Signature Move: Putting her hands together in the shape of a heart


Best Friends:

  • Sulli_F(x) ~ They grew up together, they meet in kindergarten and have been besties ever since

~loud, blunt, short-temper, sarcastic, optimistic, creative,

~Luna is always up for a challenge

~She plays to win and hates to lose

  • Sungmin_Co-ed~ They meet through Sulli during their debut concert.

~Ambitious, honest, supportive, open-minded, loyal, blunt, funny,

~Is the Class Clown, he is always cracking jokes and getting himself in trouble

~He is very smart and is not afraid to tell someone they are wrong

~Views Lexi as a sister and is very supportive and protective of her

Friends: Members of~

  • B.A.P
  • C.N. Blue
  • F(x)
  • B1A4
  • Teen Top
  • Co-ed

Rivals: None

Crush: Gongchan from B1A4


Moon Jongup-17

~Funny, goofy, cheerful, childish, loud, sensitive

~loves to make people laugh and smile

~They meet through Daehyun the night of B.A.P’s debut

~Jongup and Lexi can't stand each other. They are always sending death glares to each other and always argue over the stupidest things. They would never admit to their friends that they actually find each other attractive and pick fight with one another to get each other’s attention.

~No, they are not together…yet


How often are you online?:  I’m online like every single day. This website is like my own personal crack, I don’t think I have a life outside of Aff

Password: Ohh I have to pick just one ….hmmm who should have the honor of being my password~   Kim Jonghyun I choose you :)

Any comments/Suggestions? I really like this story line and hope you choose me. Don’t worry if you don’t choose me I’ll still read your fic, but I might not comment as much as I would if you did pick me.

What shall their debut song be?: Run Devil Run by SNSD or Step by Kara or we could even do danger by F(x)

Do you want scenes?:  Umm…YEAH  XD

Do you like the author so far ? xDD : you don't have to answer this :D I'm just curious~ I think your hella cool. I love you character and how crazy she is ^^



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