Peripheral (People) who read my blogs....

No, I meant, PEOPLE who read my blogs... Not peripherals.... I'm just too lazy to fix it.... Do what I was going to say... I wonder what you think of my blogs and in your mind, the kind of person I am~~~?? You never comment.... I just see how many views I have on it... Hehe. That sounded slightly creepy~~~~ xD kthxbai~ ^^ before this gets long and ridiculous~~~ yet again. BTW... Yes I am a crazy girl..... But I'm not horrible.... Right...? :O


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blaqkitty #1
Sorry for not commenting.I am just lazy.Also I think I bring nothing to the table.I will try though.
LOLOL well someone who tries to make blogs short but goes on and on and on and off topic a million times unconsciously. X"D And then you have all these !!! and ??? and ~~~ and a bunch of smileys. LOL from reading your blogs, it refelcts to me that you're a hyper, happy person. a cool person ~ really cool *U* pdkjhnpomnbfxp nl
I think from reading your blogs your a pretty cool person someone I'd hang out with lol