The question comes down to this....

Should I get B2st or Infinite SOCKIES (<---- see what I did there?? ^^) today~??? I already have Infinite though..... Haha! I mean, I WISH!! I just have their socks... D: but I do have their cd, poster and SOCKIES~! Wow.... (FANTASTIC BABY xD ) I got really side-tracked... Again... :O SO ANYWAYS.... Infinite SOCKIES or B2st...? Or BIGBANG?! ^^ maybe I'll find someone else.... NEVER! Haha. It's bad enough I have two husbands, a fiancée and a boyfriend... But you know what I mean~~~ xD but it's because I have a date w meh dadeh today and I hope he's taking me to Ktown.... Cause he's asking me where to go~~~ ^_^ my poor baba... Hehehe. SAMACO TIME!!!! Have you ever had one of those~??! They're disgusting..... BUT SO GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!!!! D: YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY *top top combine xD* you know.... LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY BOYS~~~~~~~ I don't speak THAT good of Chinese so imma just stop here. And you know what?? I'm really just going to stop here! Because I came on here to ask your opinion on kSOCKIES and it turned into Top Combine and SAMACO talks~~ -_- goodbye. -_- (xD)


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