All About Me :)

I just spotted it on someone's wall and I thought it might be I'm giving it a try... :D

1) What's your real name?

Krista ------ *some of you already know my last name XD*
2) How old are you currently?

13...turning 14 next month :D
3) Name the top 3 things you like to do.

Listening to music, writing, and practice with my friends :)
4) Name the top 3 things you dislike to do.
Being bored, getting mad, being lazy *yes, I hate being lazy...*
5) Which song are you currently listening to?

SHINee - Love Like Oxygen *from my playlist...XD* (But, that is one of my favorite songs from SHINee)
6) What do you look for when you listen to a song?

Rhythm and catchiness mostly :)
7) What are your favourite colours?

Blue and Black
8) Do those colours have any special significance to you?
Blue because...I'm not sure. I just say blue because I mostly like to wear blue XD
Black just look good with blue :P and many other colors...
9) What kind of person are you like in school?
Quiet but, smart. People call me quiet because I barely talk in class...mostly guys keep on bugging me just because how small I am -_-...including my friends. But, I'm also the huggable person. Since...people like to hug me...just because I'm cute.
10) Have you been confessed to before?
11) If yes, how many times? If no, skip this question.
It's a secret....
12)  How many crushes have you had so far?
...2 *You guys know who they are...if it only happened* If like a real life crush then...0. :D
13) What attracted you to your crushes? List some traits.
Smile...*You already know about this unnie*
14) What is your ideal guy like?
Hm...I notice I always fall in love with a guy that is like the opposite from me. Like, if I hate being lazy..then that person is lazy. Haha, but...I actually like a guy who treats me like a best friend and understands me more than anyone else. I actually want him to have a great smile...*Like someone...XD* I actually don't care about height, they can be tall...just not too tall XD... Um...for their personality, I actually like someone that can be serious but, at the same time...who is funny and hyper.
15) Do you plan to get married?
...Probably...if I'm really in love
16) Do you plan to have children?

...Maybe, that's all I'm going to say
Stolen By: TiaraL


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Haha I know...
Haha cool, Onew! XD
1. asia smith
2. 13
3. writing, reading, and sculpting
4. chores, homework, loosing things ;/
5. EXO- history
6. Listen to which member is singing
8.turqouise is the color of the ocean :)
9.loud, awesome, likable, fun, friendly, fashionable
10. yeah, if your talking about love, then yeah
11. once, or twicee (if its about love)
12.3 maybe 4?
13.EYES!!! and shyness
14. i dont like people who are shy,and I love guys with humor, a good personality, basically all you could say is, I want someone with a personality like Onew
15. depeps on who im in love with
16. depends how much i love the 'lucky guy;)'