
My first fan fiction, oh how the first 10 chapters were horrible. The excitement of my imagination had gotten the best of me. That is until I wrote my first one-shot where it opened my eyes to the ishness of my writing skills. So then I started to try writing in a better and more detailed form. I think my recent chapters are much better than my first few ones. No, I know they are >_> Though they're not the best, but they're definitely better o_o Around the 15th chapter, I said to myself and made an author's note saying that at a certain point of the fic, I would rewrite those dull and corrupted chapters. And that's what I'm doing right now. Which is taking up more time than I expected. But honestly speaking, I'm feeling more of the need to rewrite these chapters. Seriously, from descriptions to the flow of the story to dialogues... ugh, I *shivers* Trying my best in rewriting them. Did so with the second chapter today. Ate up like 2 and a half hours. And I'm not done yet @_@ But it's good, I'm reflecting back to my mistakes and trying to make a better one. Nevertheless, it's a weekday and my evening presence shall lack again today since I have to study. Fuh, I doubt I can rewrite these in a week. Oh wait, I got Monday off next week. Shall use that and shine them up! Wooh! Oh hungry stomach does not make a happy person @_@

*munches on Pico*


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LunaBoo #1
Just do what you can lah..<br />
Don't stress too much..^^<br />
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P/S : Grab something to eat lorh.. Don't skip a meal..