Fiction High ♬

Application Form;  


Character and Personal Info;

username | Clueless

full name | Ahn Nina / Nina Ahn

nickname | Nin (prounuced Neen)

age | 20

birth date | [ 02/29/1988]

ethnicity | Ahn Nina was *born to an Korean father and an Indian mother who met in London, making her ½ Korean and ½ Indian.  (*= supposedly)

language |English (Fluent) next to no knowledge of either Korean or Hindi language

weight & height | 51kg/165cm

blood type | B


Spy Info; 

Code name | Kali

Special talents | Though Nina likes to believe she has no talents she is a great cook and paper (origami) artist. She also likes to think of herself as a kind of performer and idol who hasn’t made their big break yet. However, she is terrible at singing, dancing and is extremely awkward. (Which is a talent with itself?)

position | Sniper; Nina is skilled at first aid and has been taking first aid classes for the past two years to better hone her skills. She is an excellent shot but has little experience as a sniper.

appearance picture links ] |


Kang Su Ra

Byeon Ji Young

Background | Thinking Fiction High was an arts college Nina mistakenly applied and then later was disappointed to find that Fiction High was the only “arts” school that sent her a letter.

Nina lives with her parents Jaehwa and Nikhita and her younger brother Ryan.

Her mother Nikhita (43), has been a reporter for 19 years. Her father Jaehwa (42) has retired to the quiet living of raising a family and running a small-time bookshop after working as a nurse for 22 years.

Her younger brother Ryan has just started his first year of primary school and was born a day before her birthday. Though there is a large gap between their ages the two siblings share a strong bond. She has a black moor (goldfish) named Niel.

Other Info; 

personality | Nina seems like a complex person but in reality she’s quite simple. On the surface Nina is a quiet and somewhat socially awkward recluse, because of this people often see her as standoffish and rude. When surrounded by large groups of people she is ridiculously clumsy and is seen by most as a hazard to herself and those in her immediate vicinity. Nina is apologetic even when it’s not her fault and is very strict when it comes to manners. She believes that elders should be held in the utmost respect and can be very inflexible about it. To those who don’t know her, she seems extremely weird but it isn’t until you’ve completely gotten to know Nina that you see the extent of her weirdness.


Once you get to know Nina you see that even though she is a little awkward she can be very social as long as it’s with people she knows. She’ll often babble nonsensical or random things with extreme seriousness or be silent with random outbursts of crazy.

Nina sometimes struggles with taking things seriously but when she does she can be scary in making sure that everyone around her has the same level of seriousness. Though seemingly unpredictable if you know Nina well enough she’ll become predictable even when it seems like she’s being random. Nina often acts on whims so because of this she often doesn’t know why she’s doing something, why she did something or what she’s going to do next.  Nina is wild, passionate and active so when she believes in something she sticks to it with all her might and is stubborn.

At times Nina is selfish and irresponsible. She talks to herself a lot. A LOT.


hobbies / habits | [ at least 5 each ]


¨      Sewing: though she’s bad at it.

¨      Cooking: Enjoys cooking Japanese, Greek, Thai and Indian food.

¨      Reading: In the company of other people she read non-fiction books or large novels but in privacy she reads romance manga and novels.

¨      Going for walks.

¨      Sleeping in odd places; kitchens, bathrooms, on the dining table etc.

¨      Listening to music.


¨      When she’s talking on the phone or has nothing to do with her time she walks around in circles.

¨      She looks lost when she’s thinking and has a short attention span

¨      Squishing people’s faces

¨      If you get too close to her and she feels uncomfortable she bites.

¨      When she runs it’s a mixture of sliding and running.

¨      Sleep talks.


likes / dislikes |


¨      Pink

¨      Flowers, Ribbon, Stuffed Animals, Lace and Frills

¨      Cats and Dogs

¨      Ancient History

¨      Sugary foods

¨      Saturdays

¨      Days when it is warm but not sunny or windy

¨      “Bad” boys


¨      Rainy Days because they make her feel lazy

¨      Spiders, butterflies, moths and ants

¨      Being in photos

¨      Working in groups

¨      **Going to the dentist (** = hates)

¨      Swivel chairs

¨      Chocolate


trivia |

Bad points:Nina is as stubborn as a mule and rarely admits to being wrong.

She’d rather play videogames than do work and is a master procrastinator.

She’s forgetful when it comes to important things but is good at remembering trivial matters.  

Nina has difficulty smiling and often feels like she looks pained when she smiles.

Good points:

Nina does her best to be friendly and is extremely helpful.

Nina is quick on her feet and can work under pressure.



Jaehwa(Appa): 42, runs a bookshop. Absolutely dotes on his daughter and before she left for school spent a lot with her because they have similar personalities. Jaehwa is like Nina’s embarrassing best friend. 


Nikhita (Umma): 43, works as a reporter and is often away from home because she travels a lot for her job. Even though she’s away from home a lot she maintains a close bond with Nina, however they aren’t as close as they were when Nina was a child.


Ryan (Younger Brother): 5, A primary school student. Ryan and Nina are extremely close despite their differences. Ryan calls Nina “Nii nii” while she calls him “Baby Yan Yan”


Niel (Fish):1 ½ years old. Her “old” fishy


friends| Nina doesn’t really have any friends. When she was younger she had a pen pal known only as K.

Rivals | Because Nina doesn’t socialise that much she doesn’t know that many people so the only person she sees as a rival is herself and she is constantly trying to outdo herself.

extra | Nice weather today ouo


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