I feel like I have a lot to say right now... Because I'm crazy and just thought of the time I saw a really.... HOTTTTTT chinese guy....

But I think that was basically it~~~ I was at the Chinese embassy picking up me passport-uh and out walks this 0.o mouth-watering worthy Chinese kid a little older than me~~ and you know what??? HE HAD BLONDE HAIR. WASHED AND SHREDDED SKINNY JEANS. V-NECK SHIRT. LEATHER JACKET. COMBAT BOOTS. AND JEWELRY. So.... b-b-b-b-EAUTIFUL~!!! x") And everyone was looking at him (as in the old Americans who don't understand the meaning of epic) like 'ew. Wth does he think he is?' but he was walking around w all that hot swag Asian boys got~ and he was w his daddeh~! Hehe, it was cute~ *sigh* so yes I just basically had to tell you that~ ;D


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owkay....he does sound HOT......LOL
EnvyEdwards #2
He does indeed sound hot, I wish asians at my school were like this, they let me do their hair, but thats it.........

I really wish you could have gotten a picture, that would have been even more epic~!