SM The Ballad!!??

Wow, Just WOW. First time hearing them. I was On SeoulFM in School just finishing up my work. (doing Oddessyware, making up credits to graduate this year.) After 4Minutes HUH a new song came on: 

And Omg i loved the sound to it

y, slow R&B Feel to it. kinda like in the 90's when R&B had that certain sound to it. babymaking music type XD

AND WHOA WHOA I was like That Voice...Can it be?? 

No it can't be.

I click back to the tab and read the song that was playing outloud

"SM The Ballad...Wait what?" Even More it was called Hot times! XDD I was like " something freaky going on here??" So I look Up SM the BALLAD and Went Fangirl Mode. 


DINOSOUR!!! XD He's So cute, Look at the wittle puppy!! Jonghyun~~~

Kyunhyun from Super Junior. Hes Smexii in this pic. 

Jay and Jino Just heard about them, i have got to stop mainstreaming. Cause BOY oh BOY Jino Is FOINE!! 


Just By Looking at the title "Hot times" and then hearing the song without the lyrics you would get some wrong idea's Ladies, I Know I did. >>


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iheart2ne1dara #1
I really liked it too!