Super Combo Application


Application Form :

AFF username:



AFF profile link:

Character Name :
 Omasa aya

Character Stage Name :A-ana

Character Age  : 22

Ulzzang Picture Link :

Ulzzang Picture Name :


Park sora

keiko kitagawa


She kind, mature, respectful, she kinda doesn't laugh at others or laugh, but she doesn't mind if she been laugh at in a joking way. She gentle and easy going at everything so she mostly lose in games. she  really quiet but really smart, helpful, caring person who help if people looks stress out or need a helping hand.she never told anyone out so she is trust worthy and honest.she does'n really stand up for herself but when she really angry she does
Past or History :

Yes She an only child. She grew up learning the ways of being a house wife , and learning how to keep our husbands satisfied. It was nothing inapropriate but just about what they eat and how to keep them entertained and etc.she wasnt allowed to go outside , or make any friends. She was home-schooled, and to pass time, she would dance and sing to my hearts content and love to write her own song to play on her guitar. She fell in love with music and liked it more with each day that past.When she was around 12 , her mother was pregnant, but a tragedy happened. Her mother ended up losing the baby somehow. She was still a little young to understand but she felt bad because she would have had a baby brother. What made her even more lonely was that her parents started to blame her for them losing her brother , so they started to beat me. They told her it was her fault that they lost him and that she was to blame for the whole thing.

.When she turned 17 , she told myself that she had enough. She grabbed everything she could that she thought she would need, took some money from my parents, then off she went. She fled from Tokyo to start a new life. She ended up flying to Seoul Korea.


12. Hobbies


  • reading
  • compose
  • play guitar
  • cook
  • listen to music
  • study

13. Habits


  • Get goosebump when been touch on the back.
  • Hold hands together when nerves.
  • Bite bottom lip when holding in a tear when crying.
  • Rise voice and talk hash little when angry.
  • Look away,blush and laugh alittle when shy.
  • Say sorry for things even when it little.
  • Back away and look at the other way when scared.
  • Talk softly and have a blank face when sad.




  • music
  • books
  • animals
  • magic
  • happy going people
  • plants
  • moon
  • sky
  • dreams



  • Fakers
  • Show off
  • erts
  • Stalkers
  • People who does'n have a life
  • People who care about themselves
  • People who think their better than everyone
  • People who care about their looks

other talent


slaying piano 

how many years have u been a training in SM Entertainment

Rival or Friends

soehyuun as rivel

friendz :

snsd :



and hyoyoen



and onew

Superjunior :


heechul and



donghae as love interest

haven't meet yet 


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