Help me

First of all, I want to tell you


I am in need of your help

I'm going sing to my boyfriend next next week

on our monsary

I wat to sing him a song, (KOREAN or NOT)

But I want to give him a message in that song


Ok here is the story

He is a playboy who no one could trust or fall in love with

when he courted me, my friends told me NO! 

He is a playboy who broke 14 girl's heart

But then I don't know why, but I said yes to him

I promised I wasn't going to be serious, and keep my cool

But then, after days, I've heard stories about him changing

Not I know he is serious

He changed because of me



Please help me ~




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I think Demi Lovato's Different Summers will be good, but I'm not really sure. Haha.But , it all depends on you so yeah. BTW, Different Summers is talking about whether they will be together every summer, it is really sweet.
Find a good beat & start forming lyrics as you go ..^^
Try singing out what you felt during the first time you met him until now.