this is going to be harder than i though > :/

I might be going to the beast concert in LA ok? the trip alone is 1700! I have tried numerous times to get money  but my mom always ends up taking half of it and it pisses me off!

I had well over 400 dollars saved i come home over the weekend and im missing 250 i asked my mom about it and she said

" I need money to buy food" so i said " we have enough food in the house to last us till doomsday!"

so she goes off and says " your just like your father you never spend a dime anyone but urself!"

I cried in my room for 4 hours till my brother came in and gave me 250 and he said " don't tell mama k"



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Your mom said that to you, Unni?! :O
It's okay. My mom gets ma at me for the dumbest things, too.
:) But just remember, YOU'RE GETTING TO SEE BEAST IN LA!!! :D