BAP of You [Game]


1.Choose your Month of Birth
2.Choose your Date of Birth
3.Choose your Favorite Color
Month of Birth
January-I hugged
February- I smiled at
March-  I played with
April- I kissed
May- I slept with
June- I loved
July- I
August- I winked at
September- I married
October- I cried with
November- I
December- I touched
Date of Birth
01,11,21,28,31 - Daehyun
02,07,12,17,22, - Zelo
03,08,13,18,23 - Youngjae
04,09,14,19,24, - Himchan
05,10,15,20,25,27- Yongguk
06,16,26,29,30 - Jongup
Favorite Color
PINK- because I need to
BLUE- because he deserves it
YELLOW- because I'm awesome
RED- just for fun
BLACK- because my mom said so
WHITE- because he thinks I'm cute
ORANGE- because I'm bored
GREEN- because he asked me to
OTHERS- because he loves me
My result is...
Month: July
Date of Birth: 14
Favorite color: Red
---> I Himchan just for fun. 
Another wfunny and weird result.
Get yours now! Haha!


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I Himchan because i'm bored!!! :P