
Note to self: I need to update HWL tomorrow, and MU the day after. And then virtually smack YOU-KNOW-WHO-YOU-ARE in the face for not keeping her promise of updating her.... uhurm, BBMOS fic. T_____T Hihi. /evil

I had to download so many vids rn but I can't since a miracle came and I'm already sleepy. Jesus, I still need to go to school -early- tomorrow--- I mean later. Ugh, that shifting application. I hope it gets fast done before the 29th because I'll really be doomed if not.

I had met and read a good deal of great fics today, most of it not here on AFF. It's actually the first time I got interested on reading a non-Kpop fic. Sigh, which reminds me that I still need to read some books and do some researches for my upcoming fic.


Well, this is a self-reminder, okay. Have a good night's sleep earthlings~


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crazyfreakygirly #1
I AM GONNA UPDATE! T____________T<br />
I just can't use the computer because of all the people here. /batukansyoufirst<br />
YAY HWL WILL BE UPDATED ^---------------------------^
Xiahnnen #2
@lovly39: We'd all be useless procrastinators. Hahahahaha! Thanks to self-reminders. XD<br />
@Nizza: Yes yes. ;DDDD
GOOD. update! :>
Ahhh self-reminder~ where would we be without them?