No one reads my blog. ;A;

First off, whaa. No one reads my blog. TTmTT Oh well. I know I'm boring, so whatever. OTL


A few days ago, I finished making a crappy quick video-thing. :3 It's called Leo & Nemi. If you're bored and wanna watch it, here's a link~ ^w^ 


Enjoy~ :3


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xDD sankyuu!!!~~ <3
chibichick2399 #2
i ment beans... -_-'
chibichick2399 #3
omg! that was sooooooooooooooooo adorable! (b^_^)b keep the cool bans up!
Awww! Thanks, guys! ;v; You guys rule. TTvTT
Hey!! I read your blog too! ^^ don't worry, there are many people who are reading just that they don't comment :) But I do ^^
KAwaii_aKumA #6
Hey! I read your blogs^^ Thts were I found out about ur 'unmotivation' (lol)I luv ur drawings btw;)