Application for ∞School students to IDOLS!∞ (ChoZen)

AFF Username: Purplehearts

 AFF Profile Link:
Charatcer Info
Name: Park Ha Yeon (Hayeon)
Nickname: Violet
Gender: Female
Age(15-19): 17
Birthdate: July 11 1995
Ethnicity: Korean-Candian
Languages: Fluent: Korean, English, Conversational: French
Height(cm): 168cm
Weight(kg): 48kg
School Role (Highlight one)
Smartest Kid
The Ditzy One
The Average Person
Bio: She is known to be quiet and reserved. She likes her own space and likes being alone. But once she knows someone very well she will be very outgoing and energetic. She LOVES dancing. Its her life. Ever since she could walk she danced. She always wanted to join a class or go on stage but her shyness took over. She was the kind of person that always sat in the corner by herself reading a book. She didn't like to be around people that much. As she grew up she didn't have many friends. She always watched kids play and hangout. She was known to be the 'perfect child.' She was smart, pretty, nice but once thing overshadowed her real personality. Shyness. She is the most shyest person anyone could ever know. Growing up was pretty hard for her. When she met new people she would just keep her head low and mumble a soft hello. 
Family: (no idols)
Father- Park Hyun Bin: Buisness Owner|48| Very protective over his family. They moved to Korea for more business. At first he had objected to Hayeon being a famous idol, but after finding out the talent inside her, he agreed. He owns the Park Company in Korea. Its one of the biggest companies known all over the world. (Company used to be in Canada)
Mother-  Park Mi Young|Interior Designer|45| She is a very sweet and jolly person. She loves to act younger than her real age. She always encourages Hayeon to follow her dreams and when she did her mom was really proud of Hayeon. 
Brother- Park Min Soo|Student/Partime Job: Restaurant Waiter|20| He is a very smart person. He loves to tease Hayeon and make fun of her. He is the only person that she can open to. But other then the teasing. He loves her as a little sister.
Personality: She is a creative person with a great imagination. She enjoys living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, she strives for harmony in her important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know her. She is hesitant to let people get close to her. But once she cares for someone, she does everything she can to help them grow and develop.In love, she tends to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
She is VERY sensitive. She tends to have intense feelings.When people don't get her, they thinks she is unrealistic naive and weak. She value's inner harmony above all else. Sensitive, idealistic, and loyal, she has a strong sense of honor concerning her personal values and is often passionately committed to making sure her beliefs and actions are congruent. She is also extremely perceptive about people. She value's her uniqueness and typically seek unconventional ways of doing things.
Sensitive and empathetic. She tend to be exceptionally adept at reading between the lines. Although she demonstrate cool reserve on the outside, she care's deeply inside. She is compassionate, sympathetic, understanding and very sensitive to the feelings of others. She avoid's conflict and is not interested in impressing or dominating others unless her values are at stake. She often appear reticent and calm. However, once people get to  know her, she is enthusiastic and warm. 
Blood type: AB
-Mean people
-Girly things (Some)
-Vegatables (Some) 
-Tight Clothing
-Pink (Depends)
What type of music they like? (highlight; max: 2)
Rolemodel/s: Her Family.
Ulzzang: Kim Shinyeong 
Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Jungroo
Pictures (3+):
(She loves to wear stuff that are warm and cute)
(She likes to go for casual, but adds in a bit of flare.
(Though she doesn't like girly stuff, when there is a party she just has to wear something girly.
Love Life
Ideal type: Her ideal type is a guy who always makes her smile. A guy that will always catch her before she falls. 
Interested in:
Teen Top: Lee Chanhee (Chunji)
Other: Infinite: Nam Woohyun
Description of your relationship: When she first debuted she was known to be the shy girl. He decided to help and become more entusiastic. As time passed by she fell for him. But she didn't want to say anything that will ruin their friendship. Later on while they were at a party, he confessed to her.
Stage Name: Violet
Group Role(Highlight one):
Dancer (Main Dancer (?)
Singing Link: N/A
Dancing Link: 
Rapping Link: N/A
Password: Purity (It sounds cool!)
Anything else?: Feel free to change anything! Hope you choose me! ^^


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