I am

I'm the One who is will and always stay besides you every time

I'm the One will be your ears to hear all your problem

I'm the One who will lend a hand to help you if you're in trouble

I'm the One who will help you if you're skip school for sports

I'm the One who will and always accompany you until late of night and dawn when you're boring

I'm the One who's know you most , what thing do you hate , what thing do you like

I'm the One who can recognize your body language , your voice ( like / don't like smthg) , your body perfume 

I'm the One who knows you feelings if you hate , like , love and etc 

sometimes , I'm the One who will gave you an advice and improve yourself , teach you any single work you didn't know 

and I'm the One who kept your promised until now ..

I'm the One but I will be your Last 

But , who am I to you ?


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