

AFF Profile Link:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/26071


Name: Lee Sunmi

Birthday: July 11, 1995

Age: (): 15 turning 16

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 45 kg


  • Music
  • Singing
  • Candy
  • Flowers (nature in general)
  • Fans
  • Singing and Dancing
  • Coffee
  • Ice Cream
  • Horror Movies
  • Close Friends
  • Thunder Storms


  • Anti-fans
  • Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking
  • Annoying people
  • Skirts
  • Distractions
  • Boys
  • War
  • Make-up
  • The color Pink (except for a rose pink)
  • Romance


  • Singing or humming while reading a book or sitting down doing nothing.
  • Biting my fingernails or messing with my hair when I'm nervous or annoyed.
  • Tapping my foot or fingers when someone I hate is around me.
  • Not giving guys a chance to talk to me unless I knew them in childhood.

Hometown: Reno, Nevada, USA (at age 7 moved to Korea)

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean (Dad), 1/2 American (Mom)

Personality: Sunmi is an out-going girl, but prefers to be quiet than express her opinion because she thinks she will be wrong. She has low confidence and needs friends with her. She loves to have friends, but she hates boys because of past issues. She doesn't understand why people say stuff behind other people's backs, but she chooses not to listen when it happens. She cares for her friends and doesn't want them to get hurt. She isn't the 'girly-girl' you would think of her to be if you look at her, but a deep tom-boy that loves flowers, but has family issues. She is seen with her headphones in trying to tune out the world.

Family & Friends

Family Members:

  • Mom - Formerly Kim Cole, now Lee Kim - 52 - House mom - Kim started to grow further and further away from Sunmi and couldn't control her daughter anymore. She is very nice, but when she found out Sunmi was going to be a K-Pop star she agreed with Kyumin, her husband, that they should disown Sunmi.
  • Dad - Lee Kyumin - 61 - Doctor - Kyumin didn't talk to his daughter much and when he did it was for Doctor information. He wanted Sunmi to be a doctor so she wouldn't rely on her family for anything. He was a quiet person but could be nice when he talked. He was not happy and brought up Sunmi being disowned.
  • Brother - Lee Taeyang - 10 - Student - Taeyang knew all along about Sunmi and was excited for her, but it was hard to keep a secret from his parents. He was sad by the way they reacted and cried for nights after Sunmi left. He is sweet and intelligent. He is going to be a doctor like his father, but let his children choose what they want to do.

Background on Family: They lived in Reno for 8 years, a year before Sunmi was born. They left after Taeyang was born, which now he does not have to enlist in the army. While living they were a big happy family. They would eat a family dinner every other night and Sunmi and Taeyang would study. They have money, but they save it.


  • Home:
  • Taeyang (brother)
  • Miyoung (school friend)
  • Mari (friend from America)
  • Idols:
  • Miss A
  • Jessica and Sunny from SNSD
  • G.NA
  • Chunji, L.Joe, and Cap from Teen Top
  • Hyunseong from Boyfriend
  • B1A4
  • SHINee
  • Donghae and Eunhyuk from Super Junior
  • Drama from Dalmatian
  • Group members :D


Love Interests:

  • Chunji - Teen Top
  • Seyong - MYNAME
  • Drama - Dalmatian
  • (You can choose anyone you want :D )

How you met:

  • Chunji - While walking around Seoul one day, I wanted to visit L.Joe, who had sat next to me on a bus before he was famous and we became good friends, and he introduced me to Chunji. I was to shy to talk to everybody but Chunji and L.Joe kept pushing me to talk so I finally started and noticed Chunji was really nice.
  • Seyong - While going with Donghae and Eunhyuk to Music Core to support their performance of Oppa, Oppa and was sitting backstage waiting for them to finish the performance and met MYNAME preparing to go on there for their performance. Seyong caught my eye because of his hair color, different from the others, and his looks. I watched their performance and instantly liked him.
  • Drama - We met when I was walking to Starbucks to get a drink and he was running away from fan girls so I felt bad and I told him to put on my hoodie and put the hood up. He took it and the fan girls ran right past us. He was kinda weird but we became good friends slowly but we hang out alot.

Rivals: None really, just friendly competitions in the group.

Why are they your rivals: Because it is fun to compete while trying to do the best they can.

Training Days/Debut

How long you have been training: I have been training for 2 years.

Describe what training was like for you: Training was hard at first but after I realized that if I worked hard I would excel faster. I tried my hardest and never gave up and made a few friends along the way.

Stage Name: Sunmi

Your Fan Club: Memes

How do you help your fans keep up: Twitter

Which Element you would like to represent: Earth: Greek; Calm, Practicle, Hard working, Brave, Smart, Wise, Stable, and Patient.


What You Did Before Training: I was a student who was one of the top scorers in the school and worked in a smoothie shop near the mall.

How You Were Discovered: I had auditioned alone at open auditions while she told her parents she was going to study at Miyoung's house. She was just auditioning for fun, not even knowing SM would like her.

Others: None~


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