Sliced my wrist. :/

Well, i dont know what happened. Two years ago, i sliced my wrist when i was in the 6th grade. It was really deep. Blood kept gushing out. I didnt know how it happened , but i promised myself and my parents i'd never do it again. But, last April 11, 2011. I lost my mind. I didnt know what i should do about my problem. All week all i did was cry. No one bothered to listen to my problems, no one wanted to listen, so i found this sharp object, and I sliced my wrists again. I did it during 11 in the evening, in the garage, where no one can hear me . I didnt make it deep enough. I just wanted to feel PAIN. Pain can make the bad feelings go away. Pain can make everything absent and its just the Pain and me that is left, fighting each other. HERE'S THE PHOTO OF MY WRIST Well, i dont know. Cutting my wrist just seemed like the right thing to do. I know its bad. But I hate my family. I hate everyone who is always busy with stuff that they dont have time FOR ME. I lack attention. I lack love. I lack love from my parents. ANYWAY, SUICIDE IS THE BEST THING TO DO. But i aint gonna die. I WANNA MEET MY BIAS FIRST THEN HANG MYSELF IN MY ROOM. OH WELL. IM A LONELY GIRL.


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please dont do that. i absolutely luv your stories esp. if you were shinees sister. don't try to convince yourself that your all alone. thats not true on aff even tho most of have never met in person and talk to each other online we all have a connection thru kpop(or asian entertainment in general). i've only been on aff for a little over a week now but everyones made me feel really welcome and everyones super supportive. there are people from all corners of the globe on aff and i bet any of them who read this cares what you do. you are a great writer and person. if you ever need us just send a shout out we'll be here to show some support. <br />
i've felt like this alot in the past but slowly it somehow got easier. everyone has things that make them feel lonely or scared inside. for me to cope with that i have to speak to people who i dont know but like me share a luv for kpop(or asian ent. in general). i used to feel like no one would ever understand me but because me reaching out and embracing my asian culture i've made sum of the best friends ever. i used to think that life was pointless and that human life was a waste and i still think that bu im telling you from someone wos been thru something like this it does get better and you have to try opening up sometimes to be heard or understood. for me i got that because of fcbk, twitter, formspring, yahoo, and most recently aff. i found people that i may never meet but they still understand me so well. you dont have to listen to me but im telling you there are things in life worth living for.
aww. Dont hang yourself please.. DDDDD;<br />
We're here for you.. even if we basically dont know each other in real.. <br />
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Please dont slice your wrist again T____T <br />
You have people by your side.. Like me.. If you want, PM me (;
babymichiie #3
Don't think that way.. please?<br />
You're not alone.. you are never alone..<br />
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You just have to find friends.. I am sure someone would be your friend..! (:<br />
Don't think about it this way. Besides, you still have your friends here, in AFF. I'm sure that they will be willing to listen to you.<br />
Although I don't really know you that well, but feel free to talk to me if you want to. I'll open up my ears/eyes for you. :)
Hey hey hey , dont do such silly things . I'll be there for you . Everyone here on AFF will be here for you . If you have any problems , you can Private Message me . I'll listen and advice you . Don't think about suicide dear . Its not good . <br />
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You're not lonely , you have me . <br />