some absolutely mind-blowing and open poster shops?

ok, so my massive search for a poster shop...failed.

all the awesome ones were either busy, closed, or under construction.

i'm sad. :(



Like the title says, are there any mind-blowing (and I mean MIND BLOWING) poster shops that are open? if there are any, please post the link to it in the comments so I can request! :)


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i have 3 to recommend!
way at the top of the list even after she lost a couple of her amazing co-designers...TiaraL still kicks serious especially if you want moody, dark, romantic, angsty stuff:

she also works for my new graphics shop which of course, i recommend lol:

and i also quite like this one - they usually do movie-poster style, complete with fake 'production credits' at the bottom of the image. note, they are currently busy and not taking requests but are usually fast to come back: