P A R A N O I A - Graphic Designer Application

How many times do I have to stress this until you applicants understand?

I don't want a shop worker who won't even answer their boss's messages.

Got that?





Now here's the form.

Know that some of these questions are TRICK QUESTIONS! Be careful about the answer you put.


Here's a hint: A quantity of bad posters will never be on par with one good poster.




  • Name - like your REAL name, or just whatever you want us to call you. It's all good in the hood
  • Software(s) used -
  • How long are you online everyday? - 
  • How long do you usually take to make a poster? -
  • Examples - Give at least 3 examples
  • Number of requests you can take a week -
  • BEST genre of designing -
  • Graphics you can do -




Graphics we're offering: (animated/non-animated) posters, backgrounds, (animated/non-animated) character charts, or Profile DP's



Please know that I will always take honesty as the top priority. Be truthful when filling this out. I'll know if you're a liar or not if I DO hire you. Trust me, I've had a bunch of liars as shop workers. Tisk Tisk. -_____-










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Here I am! ^^

Name - amy91luvKey
Software(s) used - Photoshop CS5
How long are you online everyday? - hmm... about 6 hours... or all day... Now depends since school will start soon, again [for me] ==

How long do you usually take to make a poster? - 30 min - up to 2 hours if the poster requests looking for pictures or is too complicated. :D

Examples -

Number of requests you can take a week - ... 4
BEST genre of designing - angst, sad-romance.
Graphics you can do - (animated & non-animated) posters, backgrounds, (animated & non-animated) character charts.
-synchronicity #2
3rd time applying, and will never stop unless you accept me as your paranoid idiot. I'm badass enough, you know. B|

Name - Shiro
Software(s) used - Adobe Photoshop CS5
How long are you online everyday? - It depends, but usually around 5 hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - Depends, but it's around 2 hours or more
Examples - http://imgur.com/a/Z7sEr#0
Number of requests you can take a week - 1-2
BEST genre of designing - Romance lol
Graphics you can do - I can't make shop layout ._. so anything except shop layouts is fine
Name - nez/agnes
Software(s) used - adobe photoshop CS3
How long are you online everyday? Everyday by phone.
How long do you usually take to make a poster? It depends on my activities. If I'm busy at college, it will take 1-2 weeks.
Examples -
- http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy109/baboracoon/2012/forrequest2012/Inheaven.png
- http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy109/baboracoon/2012/forrequest2012/AOR1-2.png
- http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy109/baboracoon/2012/forrequest2012/blaqgeneration.png
Number of requests you can take a week: 2
BEST genre of designing Sad, romance, little bit fluff
Graphics you can do: Poster. For DP, it's bit.
Name: Angel
Software(s) used - Gimp
How long are you online everyday? - 3 to 4 hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - 1 week
Examples - http://m1158.photobucket.com/albums/ShineeSnsdGeneration/Requests/?src=www?pbauth=1_uLEBonVPfaLdh1h3YMYz2aXgXidnwGa1IyBufU8MCFeGscaSRkYlGqmxlyfdlzEQ8eZugbDUpdatJKGrYPhwg4t9NGacmoAOevZRkvX4RRFphGaH2ET78IxocjFWZhKF4MysoisINAkwe2nfR0ka1n3w8KdIi5pe362Z7i0lBSUoM1m%2FVkbsdw%3D%3D
Number of requests you can take a week - 3 to 4
BEST genre of designing - Happy, Cute, Romance
Graphics you can do - Everything non aninated
peachoons #5
Name - Okie Dokie

Software(s) used - GIMP, lunapic, photobucket

How long are you online everyday? - Everyday, I am not online on Fridays because of dance practice

How long do you usually take to make a poster? - I take an hour

Examples - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-NcBhoKS89uE/UACCh4zWQEI/AAAAAAAAAd0/BBRsLbu5cP0/s775/1.gif









Number of requests you can take a week - 6

BEST genre of designing - Romantic, Dark, Sad, Bright

Graphics you can do - I can do Animated Posters, Regular Posters, Backgrounds, Character Chants, Banners and Freebies!!!
Name - Lex/ Angel

Software(s) used -Photoshop 7.0, CS6&CS3

How long are you online everyday? - almost everyday.

How long do you usually take to make a poster? - Depends on how many characters but I usually take an hour if free and the theme is easy to go on with (That's minus the laziness of mine to search for pictures. It usually tskes me a long time because I'm SOOOOOO CHOOSY.). :D

Examples - http://huaihuainuhai.blogspot.com/p/portfolio.html
*most recent at the last part.

Number of requests you can take a week - 3-6. but if not busy (Winter break/ Summer Break) 8-10 with the happy themes.

BEST genre of designing - Cute, romantic or something with a light feel.

Graphics you can do - Anything! Even freebies! xD But ani. depends. (The number of characters, the theme and the design.)
Name - Maria or Summer
Software(s) used - Photoshop CS5 Extended
How long are you online everyday? - 12 hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? -If I have inspiration 1-2 hours but if I don't then 1-2 days
Examples - http://s1078.photobucket.com/albums/w492/peodbear/graphic/
Number of requests you can take a week - 3-5
BEST genre of designing - mystery,thriller,drama,angst,sad,adventure,crime,romance
Graphics you can do - posters,backgrounds,icons,character charts, non animated
-synchronicity #8
Name - Shiro
Software(s) used - Adobe Photoshop CS5
How long are you online everyday? - more than 5 hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - 2 hours or more (I become slower OTL)
Examples -
you can take a look at my portfolio for more. 8D http://shironoir.imgur.com
Number of requests you can take a week - 3
BEST genre of designing - Romance, angst
Graphics you can do - Everything~
Name - Bekah
Software(s) used - Photoshop 7.0
How long are you online everyday? - about 4 hours, sometimes more
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - 1-2 hours
Examples -

this site has all my work on:

Number of requests you can take a week - about 4
BEST genre of designing - I always try every genre, don't really have a specific type i like
Graphics you can do - non-animated poster, character charts, backgrounds, display pics
beautifulsxul #10
Name: Sam
Software(s) used: GIMP 2.8
How long are you online everyday? - 1-6 hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - 1-4 days

Number of requests you can take a week 2-3
BEST genre of designing - I don't think I have a strongest. I enjoy doing all genres.
Graphics you can do - animated/non-animated Posters, Character Charts, Profile Pics, Backgrounds, and Shop layouts:)
Name - Gellie
Software(s) used - Photshop CS6
How long are you online everyday? - 4-5 Hours
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - A few days because of school! But heeey~ I'm inspired <3 because of someone in school! *cough cough* *onions*
Examples - http://i.imgur.com/CWSqo.gif

Number of requests you can take a week - 2-3
BEST genre of designing - Cute, happy, bubbly, comedic. I at romance and sad posters LOL
Graphics you can do - All. Seriously :P
doOoOod, this is like my third time filling this thing out, LAWL.

Name - Stephanie

Software(s) used - Gimp 2.8

How long are you online everyday? - 24/7, AHA. LOOL, most of the day, unless I'm somewhere... with no laptop or wifi. ;___; I usually reply back to messages and stuff quickly. /thumbs up/

How long do you usually take to make a poster? - A few days, LOL. I'm quite busy with other stuff lately. ; u ; But if I'm really inspired, a day! (sigh, as the days go by, i get lazier and lazier)

Examples - derp i haven't made much good ones lately LOOOOOL. /sadlyfe.../


Number of requests you can take a week - 2-3 orz

BEST genre of designing - Romantic... I get more inspiration from romantic themes, l0l

Graphics you can do - EVERYYTHAAAANNNGGG

ok i'm done lol
Name - Hanry
Software(s) used - Photoshop cs3 and GIMP 2.6
How long are you online everyday? - 2/3 days perweek
How long do you usually take to make a poster? - around 2-3 hours?
Examples - http://i.imgur.com/fiL9H.png
Number of requests you can take a week - 2 or 3
BEST genre of designing - Dark, Angst, Romance. I'm not that good at making fluffly things but i'll try!
Graphics you can do - non animated poster and profile dps
Christy #14
Name - Christy
Software(s) used - Photoshop CS 5
How long are you online everyday? - Right now, basically all the time, since I'm off school.
How long do you usually take to make a poster? Maybe 1-2 hours, a while longer to get in just right.
Examples - Most of my stuff is on my portfolio @ http://www.skyness.net/marionette, but I'll include some links here:
1. http://www.skyness.net/marionette/gallery/pf/ladolcevita.jpg
2. http://www.skyness.net/marionette/gallery/pf/firsttear.png
3. http://www.skyness.net/marionette/gallery/pf/ownyourvoice.jpg
Number of requests you can take a week - 4-5? I'm not sure, just estimating at the moment.
BEST genre of designing - Angst, dramatic, romance. I'm not great at doing the light, fluffy stuff, but I'm working on it ;)
Graphics you can do - Basically anything but animated posters. Character charts I'm iffy on, but I'm open to testing my skills!