Almighty Vessels App- Demetria Jung

Application Form

OCC Information

Username: Prettyangel25, but you can call me Camille

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Character Information

Name : Demetria Jung (perfers to be called Demi)

Age: 16

Appearance: Demi is a true beauty. She has long wavy dark brown hair, almost black. She has big grey eyes with specs of blue that you can only see in the sunlight. She has flawless milky white skin, a petite nose, with cherry blossom lips. She is 159cm tall and 45kg heavy. she doesn't smile often but when she does, you can see her pearly white teeth. She may not have big s and alot of curvys, but she does have a perky and flat stomach that make up for it.



Uzzang name: Baek Su Min

Back up Ulzzang: Jung Roo

Personality: Demi is a very sweet, kind, caring girl. She's the silent king of kindness that no one knows about. She finds it hard to express her feelings and emotions, which is why some people think she is cold. She rarly smiles or laughs, she she does her eyes sparkle and turn a light blue. Demi is very reseverd, quiet and tends to be very mature and polite. She doesn;t like to be loud or attract attention to herslef, she thinks reationally and kows what to do and what not to do. Demi strongly believes in the saying "Think before you act".

Demi isn't the type of person to show her true emotions, if she is mad, sad or upset she pulls a disappering act and won't come back until she is wanted or feels better. Demi never crys and if she feels any pain she puts it aside and hopes it will go away. She is very forgving and doesn't like to hold grudges. Even though she allows it, she rarelt initates skinship.

Demi can fight and over come any obstacles she may incounter. She can be alittle sarcastic, but she keeps those comments to herslef.

History: Growing up Demi had a normal loving family. Her mother was Italian and controlled the element Air, her father was Korean and controlled the element Water. When Demi was 8 her brother was taken and was trained to be a servent. Two years later she too was taken to be a servent. Demi doesn't mind being a servent, She enjoys the fact that she gets to work with her brother everyday. There are sometimes when she does miss her family, but as long as she has her big brother Demi knows she will be alright.


Mom- Theresa Jung- 42- Alive- Thersa is very patient and caring. She always puts the needs of others before her own. 

Dad- Junsu Jung- 45- Alive- Junsu is very hard working, protective father. He loves his family and would do anything for them.

Jung Yunho

Brother- Jung Yunho- 18- Servent-Yunho and his sister are very close and do everything and anything together. Yunho is very protective over his little sister and would hurt anyone who dared to mess with her. Yunho is an ambitious, passionate artist. He loves everything that has to deal with music and art.

Languages: Korean and Italian (fluent), English (conversational)


  • Losing her brother
  • Needles/ Injections
  • Dieing


  • Reading
  • Music (mainly ballads and love songs)
  • Spicy Foods
  • Lolipops
  • The Rain
  • Sunsets
  • Satr Gazing
  • Kids
  • Animals
  • Vintage Clothing_20s-60s
  • Bubble Tea


  • Dark Places
  • Bad smells
  • Awkward situations
  • Crying
  • Smoking/smokers
  • Cheaters_people who cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend
  • Being weak
  • erts


  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Daydreaming_She daydreams about what her life would be like if she weren't a servent
  • Star Gazing
  • Eating


  • Lieing with a straight face_only her brother can tell if she is lieing or not
  • Ruffling her hair when she is around the guy she likes
  • Bitting her lip when she is nervous
  • When she is bored she tends to eat lolipops

Interesting facts:

  • She refuses to cry infront of people, not even her brother has seen her cry
  • She wants to have her first kiss in the rain, like in the romance novels she reads
  • She is Ambidexterity, both left and right handed (she was orginally left handed but learned to use her right hand during her training to become a servant)
  • She has amazing reflexes and is very flexible
  • Yunho has his own special nickname for Demi, he calls her D.J
  • Her favorite color is Dark Purple

Element: I don't know if servents are allowed powers, but if they are then she can have Healing

Position: Servant

Crush: Moon Jongup_B.A.P

Position: Friend

Backup Crush: Kai_Exo-K

Requests: Can there be a scene when Demi has her first kiss in the rain just like in her dreams :)

Comments, anything else?: I really like this fan fic and would love to be apart of it. I thought i'd apply to be a servent since everyone wants to be an elementist or trainer. If there is anything you wnat me to add or change, you can just message me and i'll change it a.s.a.p ^^


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