Ideal Type [stolen from Ch4nni, who got it from min_neulmi, who got it from madz67]

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

He doesn't HAVE to be good looking - always a perk though - but first attractions tend to come from looks...

2. Smart?


3. Preferred age?

Older than me

4. Preferred height?

Around 5'10" (roughly 177 cm)

5. How about sense of humor?

Of course! He needs to be able to make me laugh

6. How about piercings?

I'm completely okay with them, as long as they're in good taste and look good

7. Accepts you for who you are?

what kind of question is that?

8. Pink hair?

Depends, can he pull it off well?

9. Mushy or no?

A little mushy, but not overly so.

10. Thin or fat?

Not a stick, but a more 'athletic' build

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

Doesn't matter.... asian...

12. Long hair or short hair?

All depends on what looks good on him, but normally 'short' hair

13. Plastic or metal?


14. Smells good?


15. Smoker?

I would prefer if he wasn't

16. Drinker?

I have no problem with him drinking, on occassion... Not a lot though

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

Maybe, maybe not.

18. Muscular?

Not really, just a little definition.

19. Plays piano?

Doesn't have to, but it would be a perk

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

Doesn't have to, but it would be a perk

21. Plays violin?

Doesn't have to, but it would be a perk

22. Sings very good? (Shouldn't it be Sings very well?)

That would be nice

23. Vain?

I would prefer he wasn't

24. With glasses?

Why not? They usually look cute

25. With braces?

It would be mean to say no - since it is corrective treatment...

26. Shy type?

Though cute, I like the type who makes it known they're there

27. Rebel or Good boy?

Rebel all the way - or Good boy who is really a rebel in disguise lol

28. Active or passive?

... Activeinbed...yeah...

29. Tight or bomb?

Tight ;)

30. Singer or dancer?


31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?

Both :)

32. Hiphop?

Not preferablly

33. Earrings?

Hell yeah

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

You :)

35. Dimples?

Not necessary, but so cute and would be a major perk (Us with dimples need to stick together lol)

36. Bookworm?

Eh... I can go either way

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

That's cute, but I like more adventurous ways of saying "I love you"

38. Playful?

Oh yeah

39. Flirt?

Sure. Not with other gals though.

40. Poem writer?

That'd be cool


He needs to know when to be serious and when he can let loose. I don't want someone who's serious all the time

42. Campus crush?

Sure, why not?

43. Painter?

"Draw me like your french girls, Jack" hehehe why not? lol

44. Religious?

Eh... He can be, as long as he doesn't shove his religion down my throat.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

Depends on what situation we're talking about.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

Hehehe sure, though I prefer regular video games

47. Speaks 20 languages?

That's cool, as long as he's willing to teach me some

48. Loyal or faithful?

Of course. I'm all about it.

49. Good kisser?

Yes. Spontaneous kisses would be the best

50. Loves children?

Yeah... Some day I do plan to have kids...


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Pretty much the same as with me, kkk.
I'm not really picky when it comes to relationships... I just want someone who really loves me <3 - Cheesy.