I'm Still Alive (I think...)

If you were wondering why I haven't updated ANY of my stories for a while now it's because a) I have writer's block and b) I'm lazy. Mostly option 'b' though. Actually I just can't seem to get any motivation to write whatsoever. All I want to do is be on Tumblr and watch variety shows. That's it. It's really bad, though because I'm a sophomore in college and I have a lot of work to do. I'm in a creative writing class and we have to write something every other day and in my history class, I have to write a 5-page paper that's due tomorrow that I've barely started (and yet here I am typing you this note). Thankfully everything I have to do isn't hard. I just have a hard time concentrating on actually DOING it.

As for my stories, here's where I am:

When You Wish Upon a Star - about 400 words written for chapter 4. That's the one I want to get done before I work on my other stories more.

Cocoon - about 500 words for chapter 4.

Water Child - about a paragraph for chapter 3 (I forgot about it and then I wrote it during class so I didn't have anything to go by).

Nameless - a paragraph. I REALLY should finish my other stories before I begin to work on this one.

Blackbird - roughly 2-3 paragraphs for chapter 2 (Tao's point of view). After I finish Cocoon, I'll work on this story (which comes after When You Wish Upon a Star).

The Devil's Halo (the sequel to Heavenly Demon) - haven't even THOUGHT about working on it yet. Sorry.

As for If You're Not the One, I'm not planning on starting it any time in the near future. I posted it so I don't forget to write it ever :P

I hope you forgive me for not writing in a while. I LOVE ALL OF YOU! <3


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