Ipod/Mp3 survey - Boredom strikes back!

Mp3/Ipod or whatever - Check

Put on shuffle - Check

Answer these questions with the song - LETS DO THIS!!!




How am I feeling today? - G-Dragon ft Tae Yang - Korean Dream

How do my friends see me? Holding out for an hero - Bonnie Tyler

What is my best friend's theme song? Milan Stankovic - Face

What is the story of my life? Katy Perry - Futuristic Lover

What is the best thing about me? B1A4 - Beautiful Target

What is today going to be like? Cascada - Everytime we touch (slow version)

What is in store for this week? Teddybear STHLM - Hey Boy

What song describes my mom? Marc Anthony - Everything you do

What song describes my dad? The Wonder Girls - The DJ is Mine (<< lol)

To describe my grandparents? Busted - Year 3000

How is my life going? Honeyz - Finally Found

What song will they play at my funeral? Nsync - Happy Holidays (<

How does the world see me? Utada Hikaru - Final Distance

Will I have a happy life? Big Bang - Last farewell (<

What do my friends really think of me? ZE:A - Watch Out!

How can I make myself happy? Eve 6 - Think twice

What should I do with my life? Tata Young - y, Naughty, y

What is some good advice for me? DJ Relic - Cry Cry (T-ARA cover)

How will i be remembered? Infinite - Paradise

What is my signature dancing song? Infinite - Come Back again (<< Thats a good one)

What is my current theme song? Son Of Dork - Ticket outta loserville

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? SeungRi - Strong Baby


Opening Credits: G-Dragon - She's gone

Waking Up: Cyndi Lauper - Time after time

First Day At School: SR-71 - She was dead

Falling In Love: Park Jung Min - Only Me

Fight Song: SS501 - Love Ya

Breaking Up: Son of Dork - Sick

Prom: U-Kiss - 330

Life's OK: 2NE1 - Go Away.

Mental Breakdown: G-Dragon - Heartbreaker

Driving: Within Temptation - Angels

Flashback:  Kim Hyung Jun - Girls (<<:s)

Getting Back Together: Wonder Girls - Tell me

Wedding: Bare Ladies - One Week

Birth of Child: Pat Benetar - Hit me with your best shot (<

Final Battle: Tiao Cruz ft Kesha - Dirty Picture

Death Scene: One Republic - Apologize

Funeral Song: Girls Day - Twinkle Twinkle (JD Relic cover)

End Credits: Within Temptation - Forgiven

What song describes my mood right now? B1A4 - OK

What song do I listen to when Im depressed? Park Bom - Don't cry

Happy? Bon Jovi - It's my life

Scared? Escape the fate - No sympathy for the dead

Bored? ZE:A - Mazletov (<<*high voice* fridday, saturday sunday mazletov)


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