25 Random Questions

Hey guys! SO I just wanted to blog about something

that would make you guys get to know me more.

'Specially my readers! =)

These are just so totally random.


1. What can you hear right now?
~The electric fan next to me.

2. What can you smell right now?
~My own mouth smelling of cigarettes.

3. What do you fancy doing right now?

4. What is the last thing you ate?
~Street food.

5. Would you find a lighter in your room if you were to look right now?
~My underwear drawer.

6. Do you believe in before marriage?
~No. Strongly NO.

7. When did you last attend a party?
~The other night.

8. What is to your right?
~An open veranda.

9. What is the weather like outside?

10. Was the last person you kissed male or female?

11. What are you doing later?

12. Do you own a game console?
~Yes. Xbox and PS3.

13. Do you wear perfume daily?
~No. It burns my nose.

14. Have you been caught swearing by a teacher?

15. What is your favourite coffee?
~Sugar, no cream. So... Creamed?? haha

16. How many times were you on the phone to someone today?

17. Would you like a baby boy or a baby girl?
~First child would be a boy.

18. How do you feel right now?

19. What number do you live at?

20. Were you bright at school?
~When I was in elementary. Never again after that. Haha.

21. Where are the majority of your relatives?
~Same country where I am.

22. Do you blush when people talk about ?
~No. I'm the one who starts it. Haha.

23. When do you prefer to shower/bath?
~At night before I sleep. Since my hair the next day looks absolutely awesome.

24. Heard a new song today?
~Sadly, no. Recommendations, anyone?

25. What time is it now?
~Exactly, 7:55.


Hahaha. I was extremely bored today. So I decided to do something like this.


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