Regarding my fanfics

Guys... I know... I know, I am a horrible person right now 

I haven't updated in AGES oh GAWD DX

I know, and I am sorry... T^T 

University... Is a hellhole.


But guess what?? I got one exam in 2 days... (which I haven't studied for)

And another in about 2 weeks... After that... I got a 4 MONTH break! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Who's happy???

ME! And hopefully you guys xD

So.. I'm probably gonna finish this exam and write a chapter for one story and once my other exam is over... WRITE THE CRAP OUTTA THESE STORIES AND FINISH THEM FOR BEFORE SEPTEMBER!


So have faith in me please :) If you see this and do read my fanfics... Let me know you're actually interesting in me updating and support please!♥

Love you guys :)



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