I'm really worried about SHINee...:(

It's been a long time, right?

There are still two days left before our permanent summer vacation but I don't have classes today...:D

Any reactions about SHINee's Sherlock???

It's beyond my expectations, SHINee did just great!

But I'm really really worried about them especially Onew...:(

Some MVPs and other Shawols (I'm only pertaining to those who are involved) are starting to bicker about such things... Whether Onew is being DISTANT towards the other members or the other members are EXCLUDING him. At first I thought that maybe these are just some ideas formulated by fangirls but there's no point for them to do that. I also read somewhere in the internet that Onew has been so sad and depressed lately, he rarely interacts and talks too...I'm not sure with any of these but it really makes me sad...I saw him smiling brightly upon winnig at the MBC Show Champion and then I watched another video just this morning and the comments really bothered me.

Here's the link


I don't want any fight to start between Shawols just because of childish predictions but I'm really worried...I really hate it...No matter how successful they are if there are still misunderstandings it might not turn right at the end...

Any reactions or news????

I'm really worried and also sad...:(


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Don't worry dear. I'm sure this is just a phase every fan have their own "paranoid" phase I think. Those Shawols will come around.

And even if they don't there would ALWAYS be fans like us who will be there with EVERY member no matter what happens.

And regarding Onew... I think he's the same as before. Maybe he's just tired. I mean they all have busy schedules which allow them to sleep for only 2 hours a day.

Even if he is depressed. I think he has a pretty good reason for it. And I think the members themselves would be able to understand him.

So I don't think anyone have to exaggerate on this matter. This will pass. So hang in there dongsaeng-ah. ^.^

SHAWOLS and SHINee Fighting! ^^
Oh my gosh... some of those comments are so harsh!
"Onew should leave the group"! I felt like stabbing someone...
If Onew is depressed there is probably a good reason for it, nobody is depressed for no reason.
And Shawols only guess SHINee's personality none of us know Onew personally so i'd rather not judge him.
But i agree i am very worried about him...