The Follow-Up Blog & Something You Guys Need To Know.

Following from my previous blog about my ... 8th name change (Please send my sincere apologies to ShiroiParadise unnie...) this will be my new start to AFF.

I will imagine that I had a relationship with AFF before.


Because everything of mine is stuffed up.

I know I had just started writing only a few months ago and stopped for like, 2-3 months now because of school, I still have a very strong passion for writing.

I want to be an English Teacher when I grow up but judging from my limited vocabulary, my horrible writing skills and my lack of knowledge in English, it seems a very far away goal for one to reach.

I need your help in guiding me and helping me to improve my English - not drastically (I wish so...) and not too slowly because I want to prove to my father that I am capable of this and fighting for myself, for the family...

Due to this, my first fanfic, Broken Angel: A Hidden Secret is on a temporary hiatus until, maybe the end of the week.

The idea of getting the fanfic reviewed has been stuck on me for months, even before I published the story.

However, from the looks of my Foreword and first 5 chapters, it is far, very far from a B+ score for a review.

That is why I really want to rewrite my chapters and use all the new skills and knowledge I had acquired not long ago.

I really want to show that I can do this - that anyone can do this and I really want to push myself to the limit through this test.

Keena, if you are reading this, don't worry about feeling bad because you can not help me for the time being.

I know you are very very busy with AFF and with your own life. How is it going anyways? I haven't checked on you for so long ! I miss you ! :)

Just another mention, I also have posted (only the title) of 3 new fanfics which are currently on Hiatus at the moment.

There is nothing - not even the Foreword yet. Only the title. I am hoping by the end of next week - when my 2-week break starts, I shall finally be able to edit it and turn it into a loveable story.

There are just too many great authors here on AFF, including janie6789, dulcee, keena-choding, candyredhearts, ErisChaotica, sujurockz4ever97, TofuMaster, eunmi_18, purplekpop, grah288, PreciousKnowledge, -icecreamPuff-, SuperShawty, subicbay, KyuAnnHae, simplysuju, silentbunny11, lychee68, cutterpillow, and oh, so so much more that I can not be bothered to list them all out (based on the stories I've read, aka my subscriptions). I aspire to be like you guys, very very much. I love how you write and am always willing to write like you ! I know there are still so much for me to learn as an rookie amateur as an author, but please drop tips and pass down your secrets of excellence down to this lowly girl !  

Also with this name change (originally MidnightSapphire) the posters for Broken Angel ........ I will see more to it in the future ...

For reviewers, since I am wanting to change my whole fanfic into a new and improved style of writing etc. should I also change my title ?

'Broken Angel: A Hidden Secret' ... now sounds a little weird to me... what do you guys think? Should I just leave it like that or change it ?

If it is changed, the title on the posters should also be changed...

I'll just make sure to get ukissfreak unnie and JustineAnn unnie ready ...... hehehe :)

This also delays the ELF || A Secret Rendezvous which I had promised like a month (or more) ago ...

I am extremely and absolutely sorry to all ELFs out there who had been waiting patiently for this Club.

I apologise for my lack of work in these past few weeks.

I promise you, within a week or so, this Club will be hitting the road and we can all start SUJU spazzing <3

I will not break the promise as it is close to my two week break !

*Celebrates with Super Junior*

Anyhow, what do you guys think?

1. Should I change the title of 'Broken Angel: A Hidden Secret' ?

2. What can help a person improve their english quickly?

3. ........ Idk .........


-Cindy- (aka YooniqueDJ)


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I personally think that the title is quite interesting~

And wow you really think I'm a good writer? O.o"
"Chat With Me" isn't even a proper fic... XD

And there's really no way to improve your english really quickly... these things take time and dedication. If you're willing to learn and word hard then of course you'll be rewarded with improved english.

Everyone improves over time. So if you're really intent on improving then just learn from how others write and read a lot of different materials~ (Well, that's what I do XD)
keena-choding #2
And PSHH! I'm embarrassed with my writing.

I seriously want to delete my stories, but I'm always afraid of disappointing my readers. SIGHH.
keena-choding #3
Well I'd give the title a 5/5 because it sparks up a particular interest in me that I can't really explain. LOL, sorry! I'm of no help.

All I can tell you is what I look for in a title.

Does it sound interesting?

You don't want titles to be too plain and vague. That is... unless it's a one-worded title.

Does it relate to the story?

There's authors-- very much like myself-- that create story titles that have nothing to do with the story itself. Don't be like this Choding right here; make sure the title makes sense.

And do you know what I love love love in a title?

If it's ONE WORD!

If you can create a one-worded title that goes along with the story, then by all means, I will reward you with a 5.
keena-choding #4
I feel honored. My name was mentioned TWICE. XD


Well that's too bad actually. I was planning on editing the new chapters of "Broken Angel: A Hidden Secret" next week because that's when I'm off on vacation.

Oh well~
PandaMinSoo #5
I wasn't on the list..that's okay ^^ 2. Listen to music In English or let us help you >.^?
I'm not listed there ;-; It might be because I haven't updated in 3-4 months though....
seobster #7
agreed with caline. read a lot of books and watch english movies. and the most effective way is to communicate with people who speaks english as their first language.
2. Read books and watch movies in English, talk to people whose first language is English :)