Idol Love Finder Application.



Idol Love Application
Name: Jade Choi Minseul
Nickname: Princess, Min, Minnie.
Date of Birth: 05/27/1994
Ethnicity: Korean.
Height/Weight: 165cm ; 46kg
Blood Type: O
Birthplace/Hometown: New York ; Seoul, South Korea.
Schooling: college.
Occupation: Student, works at the local pet shop by her neighbourhood as well.
Languages: Korean, English and some Chinese.
Ulzzang Name: Pony
Backup Ulzzang Name: Jung Minhee
Determined & persuasive since young, she's always gotten what she wanted, so she was given her nickname "Princess". When she sets her mind on it, she makes sure she gets it done, no matter what it takes. She's very headstrong, so nothing can make her change her mind or regret anything that she has done. Hardworking & committed most of the time, but when she doesn't clock in enough hours of sleep, she gets very grumpy & lazy.  She's hardly ever seen crying, she is at her weakest and most vulnerable when you talk about her family. She can't stand seeing someone being disrespectful to her friends, so she'll stand up for them. She's a good listening ear and gives good and realistic advice to come with, so many friends like to come to her when they need a shoulder to lean on. Often the shoulder to lean on, but never the one leaning on the shoulder.
She likes to people watch, so she knows why certain people act that way & their intentions. This way, she knows who is a fake, a liar or just a bad person. Opening up to people makes her uncomfortable as she doesn't like people to see her as weak. If you want something to be kept a secret, you can definitely trust her. She's a real shopaholic/fashionista, so she is usually the one who sets trends among her friends, and friends of hers always go to her for advice on fashion as well.  If she sees you wearing something horrendous, trust her to tell you the truth, and she's quite blunt when it comes to fashion as well. Among strangers she's very quiet, but once you place her with her friends, she's very playful and she loves to friends. A lot. 
Despite her determined and committed nature, she does procrastinate a lot when she isn't in the mood. And whenever she isn't in the mood, you definitely don't want to be on her bad side as she has a glare that is murderous and cold. I'm sure you've seen her brother's, TOP, deep stare that's piercing. Well, you think that's intense ? Then, you'll probably collapse from the intensity of her stares and glares, yeah, it's that much stronger. It isn't hard to get her irritated either though, she can get irritated at the slightest things. Such as people overdoing the aegyo(an exception would be when it's actually funny), being too loud or disrespectful or when people aren't serious when it's needed.
She's not exactly an introvert, neither is she an extrovert. Well, you can say that she's both? She likes to speak her mind, but sometimes, she'll just shut . She likes to tell her close friends about her problems, but other times she just wants to keep it to herself. She's a deep thinker, constantly thinking about things that are happening. But, sometimes, being a deep thinker isn't all that good, especially in her case. Often, she tends to overthink things, being a deep thinker, and this gets her paranoid about things. Like, she'll do something embarrassing, and even though nobody saw it, she'll beat herself up over it. An obedient girl is what she is, but at times, she questions the person's actions & speaks her mind, which gets her into a bit of trouble at times. 
She comes from an upper-class family, where many expectations are already placed when you are young. When she was just a young girl, she was made to learn ballet, the piano, learn English & Chinese & to be the top in her class by her parents. They are hardly ever around though, as they always have to fly to and fro to meet clients. So they will try to make it up by buying her expensive things. Because of their loss of presence, she takes the maids & their butler, Mr Lee, as her own family since they were the true ones who watched her grow up & took care of her. Her parents also make her out to be their "Perfect" little girl, what with her good grades and looks to die for. She knows that her parents do love her a lot, despite them always being missing in her life & their high expectations of her. She is getting tired of being their "perfect" girl though, so if given a chance for an adventure, she'd pounce on it. Liking to be independent and to earn her own living, she works at the pet shop. She doesn't want to have to depend on her parents to provide her with everything and anything, she wants to work hard for it and have that priceless feeling of acheivement.
Her brother and herself have been attached to the hip since she was first born, he protected her from strangers, did the silliest things just to cheer her up and went out of his way just to make her happy. She depended heavily on him throughout her life, especially since their parents were often abroad, so he's very much like her appa as well as her oppa. Ever since he decided that he wanted to be an idol, she tried to be independent and cause him less worries, but it was hard to adapt to a life with minimal contact with him. But she's gotten used to it, with the occasional visits to and fro and phone calls. She loves to check up on his schedule, watch his performances and read fancafe posts, just to make sure that her older brother was doing well.
- chocolate, her weakness and guilty pleasure.
- pets, especially when they're at their baby stages.
- the rain, she loves playing in them.
- carnations and roses.
- sentimental value.
- eyeliner.
- the colour green, especially emerald green.
- shopping.
- abs on a guy, not too much though.
- stitch, y'know, alien 626 ?
- long walks alone, with her music playing.
- heels and wedges.
- speaking in English.
- being denied of what she wants.
- disappointing people.
- attentionwhores.
- carbonated drinks, she doesn't like the gasy feeling after drinking it.
- watching animals be killed on TV or movies.
- bugs, they annoy the heck outta her.
- inconsiderate smokers.
- gossip.
- visiting the book store.
- playing with the pets in the pet store she works at.
- shopping.
- excercising.
- reading and reading and reading.
- watching sappy korean romance dramas.
- twirling a piece of hair between her fingers.
- biting her bottom lip, whenever she's thinking, hiding a smile, or trying to stop herself from speaking up.
- daydreaming. A lot. especially when she's super bored.
- widening her eyes when she's surprised or shocked or when she's about to drift off the sleep.
- she's such a bookworm that she's so in love with Legolas from 'the Lord of the Rings'.
- she has an entire shelf full of books, mainly romance and fantasy-romance.
- she has a stuffed toy of stitch that's half her size.
- she has a medium sized tattoo of a crown on the centre area above her .
- despite her weird crush on Legolas, she has the biggest celebrity crush on Chace Crawford and Taylor Lautner.
- carnations and tulips are her favourite flowers. she particularly likes the purple or white ones.
- she hates smokers. Okay, well, she's not judging them. it's just that she doesn't like to around them due to their foul smell and bitter taste. With the exception of GD & TOP, of course. They know about her distaste for it so they stay away from her when they do take a puff.
Ideal Type: Song Joongki. Sweet, caring, respectful, understanding.
Important Past Relationships: 
- Thunder of MBLAQ. Yeah, she dated him and they got to the stage where they got pretty darn serious about it. They met when both of them were visiting their own siblings, separately, at the YG building. Their siblings introduced one to the other and they went out, of course. Dara was pretty happy about it, but she can't say the same for her own brother. She fell head over heels for him, spending and treasuring every minute she got with him. But then, for no darn reason, he decided that it was better to just end things between them. She got really upset of course, she loved him dearly, and then she realised that they could never really go out together on a proper date, without those stupid disguises or show each other off. And since then, she's sworn to herself that she'd never date another idol again. They haven't contacted since then and Minseul tries to avoid Dara whenever she can.
Choi Sungjae, 52.
Her father adores her to bits, in fact he dotes on her more than anyone else. Her father always wants the very best for her, but sometimes it goes overboard, where he restricts the amount of decisions she can make in life. Such as what jobs she can take on, what type of boyfriends she can have. Just like herself, he's very stubborn. He always gives in to her somehow though.
Lee Soojin, 50.
Her mother's quite different from her father, she respects and supports (almost) every decision her daughter makes and hardly ever stands in her way. Her mother tends to nag more often than others, and she gets kinda pissed off, but they always make up by the end of the day. Mother and daughter have a good relationship, although Minseul tends to get whiny when her mother starts to nag too much.
Her older brother, Choi Seunghyun (TOP of BigBang) is 25, but he acts very much like a 5 year old at times. Many people often see him as a charming gentleman who's a little shy at first sight, but around his little sister, he's like an alien from outer space. Kinda weird at times. But that's why she loves her brother so much, because he's one of a kind.
Their family life is very much like every other one, a son and daughter who look out for one another. A brother who turns cold when boys surround his little sister. A sister who pokes her nose into every detail of her brother's life. And the parents who simply want the very best for their child and will do just about anything for them.
Dino (<-- CLICK!) , her welsh corgi (it has that fat sausage body). She's had him since she was 15, and she's loved him ever since they first met at the pet shop. She loves to cuddle with him and talk to him about her problems and love life, he always manages to comfort her in his doggy ways, a doggy grin here, a little whining there. She enjoys taking him for walks, though he tends to get a bit lazy at times too.
Park Bom of 2NE1. She is Minseul's best friend, despite their large , & being best friends, they know everything about each other and nothing can escape one when it comes to the other. Their friendship is very much like that of sisters. They met when Minseul decided to give TOP a visit at the new YG building, and she got lost, and thankfully, Bom came to her aid. They talked and decided that they should hang out more, and that's how it started. Bom has a 8D personality, she may seem shy at first, but once you get to know her she's the weirdest and most fun person you will know. She loves to eat and eat and eat, and has a sensitive and soft heart. She supports Minseul in everything she does, and she has a good reason whenever she doesn't
Seungri of Big Bang. He's in the same group as TOP, so they met when TOP debut with the former. They became close because Minseul often helped Seungri with the little things that his hyungs asked him to do. They love to troll the other Big Bang members together. He likes to try and set her up on blind dates with other idols, but she turns him down constantly. TOP doesn't like this gesture of his, which Seungri claims as doing a 'favour' for TOP. Seungri is a funny, positive guy who observes the littles things in people that others will never take notice of. Since both him and TOP have the same name, she calls Seungri small Seunghyun and TOP big Seunghyun, just to tease the heck outta them.
1) Lim Hyunsik of BtoB
Hyunsik is a positive, quiet and cheerful boy whose opinions carry a heavy meaning. His passion for anything is the driving force in him succeeding. He fights for what he believes in, without the use of violence, and only uses it when needed. He's sweet and thoughtful, thinking of the little things he can do to brighten up one's day. Well, they did see each other before, though it was rather brief. Minseul was at one of the music stations for Big Bang's promotions for their new album 'Alive' to give them support, and BtoB had just debut. So, they entered Big Bang's waiting room and introduced themselves to Big Bang. She didn't really take notice of them or him in particular, especially since she has no interest in dating idols anymore, but I can't say the same for him.
2) Chunji of Teen Top
Often, he gives motivation and encouragement to his fellow members, optimism being one of his strong points. Naturally caring and gentle, he makes sure all his friends are well and happy. His charming smile makes the hearts of the females, melt and turn into mush. He often helps out others as well, and sometimes to the extent of outworking himself till he's dead tired, simply because he's too nice to say no. They haven't met before.
3) Pyo Jihoon; P.O of Block B.
the happy-go-lucky guy most of the time, he loves having and making people have a good laugh. He'll go to his extremes to do things for people. Courteous, well-respected, friendly guy who you can't help but take a liking to immediately. Very playful & mischievous, but serious when needed. Prefers to share the spotlight than to have it all on him. They haven't met either. 
Rival: -
Why did you choose to apply ILF?: honestly, it wasn't ME who applied for this ! It was that stupid Panda maknae from Big Bang who was in cahoots with Bommie, the one who was supposed to block out all blind dates he sets me up with ! She helped him out with all the little details here and there, something about me not giving up on love and narrowing all my possible options. Ugh, whatever. I'll just play along, just to make them happy and leave me the heck alone with their constant nagging about finding love. Wait till I tell Big Seunghyun about this, he's gonna rip Panda's head off.
Who introduced you to the website?: Seungri, no idea how he found it. I don't want to know either. He just kept going on and on and on about how awesome this website was and it was about time i mended my 'broken heart', not. I never visited it though, well, not until now anyway.
Does your character cuss, smoke, and/or drink?: Cusses only when she's angry or pissed or embarrassed. Doesn't smoke, and drinks only when necessary.
?: Sure (:
Anything Else?: none !


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