Don't Shoot Me When I Say It Feels Weird

Big Bang doesn't like it when they're shipped with each other. To them it feels weird being paired with each other in a ual manner.

I think I understand. I tried reading fanfics and it makes me queasy. It is said they've read some too. They're fans gave stacks of paper that contained stories of it. In HARDCOPY. O_O It must have been weird catching each other's eyes afterwards. LOL...

Did I tell you that I once was turned off from reading fanfics because the very first one I came across was a ? I think it wa GRi. It took me years to get over it. Almost got scarred for life...hahaha...

I actually LOVE bromance. When guys are all sweet and cuddly with each other. I think it's a sign of strong sel-esteem and a great friendship. I admire guys who aren't scared to show affection to their guy-friends. It shows how confident he is of his masculinity.

Maybe that's why I like Big Bang, especially TOP. They're very affectionate towards each other and it doesn't come off as 'gay' to me. At least not until edits and fanfics sprout and create ual images of their closeness.

Not that I'm on a campaign against it...I'm just trying to put logic on why the guys openly say they don't like being 'shipped' with each other because yeah, it kinda creates a tension. Personally, I don't want that. I want to see them holding hands and hugging and being sweet to each other without them suddenly feeling that they're doing something dirty. I want huge doses of BROMANCE!

Ohkay, I think that's it. End of transmission. :))


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@dream_keeper88 - There are actually good ffs where the storyline outweighs the scenes but it's really rare and I mean rare...but then it's still awkward to read so yeah...esp TOP, he's a really awkward turtle...he's supposed to be pure and innocent! hahahaha
I don't read and yuri. I can only imagine how they felt when they saw fics like that ^^ They are straight, as far as I'm concerned.