Sudden Realization... LOL

I have been watching Secret Garden for two days now, and, seriously, I have been a little bit outdated with Kpop. Tsk. But earlier, as I was watching Music Bank perfs, I realized something.

I was watching Inifnite's perf, and I never knew what was happening to me but I suddenly jumped in my bed. LMAO I am serious, I spazzed that hard. And LOL that was when I realized that sometimes it's good to be outdated with kpop vids because the time you get back, you'll really feel that extreme spazzing. It's like I missed watching perfs, eh? Idk. LOL So that was it.

And ROFL just to add, I was watching a video (more specifically the video below) and I literally laughed so hard all of a sudden.

Result? I bumped my head on the wall...

(I was exactly like that, except that I bumped my head on the stupid cemented wall)
...and now it's fcking swollen. orz

P.S. I will try listening to 0330 at exactly 03:30 AM. LOL

PPS: f(x)'s comeback and A-Pink's debut is ♥♥♥


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hehe xD NOICE~! I'm sorry you hit your head!