My Dad is being Weird

Recently my dad acted kinda weird.... usually he always mocked me here and there.

Before, when I watched Korean dramas or anything related K-pop things, he will mocked me saying things like , "Korea korea korea, next your results will come out a failure." "Always Korea, why don't you go to Korea and study there." "Korea again? Then your exam results will fail because you wrote it in Korean!"

Yeah.. it's annoying!

But after I got my results... exam results.... he didnt say a word about Korea anymore... muahahaha!

Usually he won't buy anything I want to eat, but recently he bought junk food that I LOVE to eat.

Told ya he's weird~~

He even try to talk a lot with me now

I don't talk to my dad, I only talk to my mom.



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my father don't care or we said 'sibuk' about me anymore which make me happy, cuz now i'm free