AFF username: missSpastic Link to AFF profile: Character Name: Song Eun Ah Birthday: 24 September 1992 Age (INT and KOR): 18 (INT) 19 (KOR) Height (IN and CM): 165cm /64.96 inches Weight (LBS and KG): 41kg/5"5 91 lbs Ulzzang or Model Picture (3-5 HQ): Ulzzang or Model Name: Kim Shin Yeong Personality (paragraph form and the longer the better): She is a perfectionist. To her, EVERYTHING must be done well and perfect. If anything is done badly, she will persevere and do it till she gets the result she wants. Whether it is exams, cooking, singing or anything, she will persevere until everything is perfect. She doesn’t care if she gets tired or hurt in the process, as all she wants is perfection. She is a straightforward girl, constantly speaking straight from her mind. She believes that she should always be honest and that’s why she hardly tells a lie unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Sometimes, people get hurt because of this. She is also very emotional. She cries and laughs over the simplest things. She gets angry easily too, but mostly cools down very fast. She can lock herself up in her room and cry for days if disastrous things happen. However, she doesn’t like people to worry about her. She always tries to maintain a cheerful and happy sight in order for others not to worry about her. To her, politeness is no. 1 when it comes to elders and sunbaes. She respects people a lot, especially people older than her. She doesn’t like to flatter people just to get their favour, she thinks that is a low way. When she participates in anything, she will put her 100% into it. No matter what, even if she is tired, she will remain enthusiastic and continue to do it. When in an activity, she is super enthusiastic and sometimes, her clumsy and eccentric side comes out. To strangers, she may seem very quiet and conserved, but in front of her friends, she is actually very open and extrovert. She is clumsy too, and trips and falls over anything everytime. She doesn’t like to act cute in front of strangers (scared of pedos xD) but in front of her friends and family, she does it ALMOST all the time. In people’s eyes, she is a cheerful girl who smiles 24/7, and seems like she has no problems at all. But in actual fact, she always tries to solve her problems without anyone knowing about it. She likes to render help to people, and always volunteers her free time in helping charity and people in need because when she was young, her grandmother often told her that she ought to contribute back to the society for what they have given her. But her grandmother passed away when she was 15, that’s why she feels that the closest person is her grandmother, and loves and respects her very much. Family background (same as personality): Her parents run a company, and often go overseas. That’s why she isn’t that close to them. But she still has a loving relationship with them. Her dad dotes on her a lot, buying her anything she wants. But the closest person and the person who knows all her secrets is her grandmother, whom she treats like a best friend. She also has a brother named Song Jaehyuk (16) and a sister named Song Haneul (21) Idol family members (optional): Her sister, Song Haneul (FICTIONAL) is a famous actress who has starred in many movies and dramas. Her brother is a trainee for YG. Likes (5+): She likes stuffed toys and sweet food, especially cotton candy, marshmallows and lollipops. She always eat a lot, but never gets fat. She likes to cook too, but her skills are terrible. Constantly burning down kitchens is her forte when she cooks. That’s why no one dares to let her step into the kitchen to cook. She is a shopaholic a a fashionista. She keeps up with the latest trends and that’s why her wardrobe is constantly flooded. She believes that creating one’s own unique style is important, that’s why she mix and matches her clothes yet is able to be trendy at the same time. She likes to think of innovative and fun ideas to solve problems. Dislikes (5+): She dislikes bugs and insects. To her, they are her ultimate enemy. Horror movies scare her to the max too, that’s why she dislikes them. She has a phobia of ghosts ad scary things, that’s why she will cry and cry when people drag her to watch a horror movie. She dislikes heights too. She will get cold and sweaty when she is very high up, and will even cry sometimes. Hobbies (5+): She likes to read. She was once known as a nerdy bookworm when she was in elementary school. She likes to go shopping too, but with friends or family. Whenever she shops she will definitely buy something, but she has a hard time deciding. She likes cooking too, but her skills are terrible. Her sister describes her food as ‘the food even rats will detest’. Habits (3+): She has a habit of scratching her head when she is in doubt or confused, and having that clueless look on her face. That makes people think she is very cute. She always acts cute in order to escape from punishments. She also has a habit of sleeptalking. That’s when all her secrets and her friends’ secrets will be revealed. That’s why no one dares to tell her their secrets. She used to sleepwalk, but now not anymore. Once she sleepwalked all the way from her room to the road and almost got knocked down by a car, but her brother found her and pulled her back in time. Exes (optional): None. Never dated anyone before. (PURE GAL xD) Stage name (optional): EunA Persona (make up at least 4): The fashionista, The shopaholic, The angel, The scaredy princess, The sunflower Personal Fan Club Name: Eun-aholics Trainee from (any): none. Trainee history: Became a trainee at the age of 16. Trained for 3 years before debut. Auditioned for JYPE before but failed. Main Position (see list): Lead Vocalist Sub Position (1-2) (see list): Main Vocalist, Vocalist dancer Other Position (Optional) (see list): none. Side Job (0-3): MC, Radio DJ, Actress Celeb Friends (MAX 5) (Choose from list): Victoria of f(x), Taemin of SHINee, Min of miss A and Yoseob of B2ST Trivia (10+): Has a soft spot for aegyo Spends a lot of money on accessories Has a pet cat named Shimmie Knows 5 languages: Korean, English, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese Is allergic to lobsters Ideal type is SHINee’s Onew A Christian First Choice of Boy (Anyone from KPOP Group): Kim Kibum (SHINee) Second Choice Boy (Different from first choice): Onew (SHINee) If you don't get into Seoul Dolls, do you mind being in the rival group if there is one: hmm…I really wanna get into this group. But I think…its okay…? Password: Seoul


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