One thing to keep in mind EVERYONE

One thing i hate about myself so much in the world,

not being able to be there for someone when they need someone.

It , because i've been through that situation before.

knowing that you have no one there for you,

to suffer on your own and deal with the pain.

Thats why im always trying to be here for everyone.

If i can't,

i feel like the worst person ever.

And another thing,

if anyone mess with my friends,

meaning aff friends, school friends, friend friend, or BFF

and my family,

like aff family, the band, or any form of my family,

i wont let you off easily.

One thing that i cant stand is someone messing with that group of people.

those people mean the world to me

because they made me who i am today

and if you mess with them,

be prepared to suffer in ways that you cant imagine.

cause i will come after you.

and i mean it physically and mentally.

I know i sound scary but i just want the best for my peeps.

i dont want them going through the same thing as i did

where you're all alone, by yourself,

just wanting one friend there but not having any.

so please, do talk to me if you need someone!




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AlmightyLena #1
;;w;; awwwwwwwwwweeeeee -squeezes- Even if you hate me at the moment ? xD
Thanks. I also know what it's like to be all alone, but now I can deal with it all thanx to my AFF friends!!!^^
So yeah, if anyone needs help, or just anyone to talk to about anything I'm right here open.
Starlove, your love shines like a star!!!
coercion #3
aww. Ty ^^
You have so much compassion. LOL.
awwws. <3
Loyalty is everyones best quality.
Hope to become good friends.
Though the wallposts were deleted when Aff backed up.
Starlove fighting!
lov4ever #5
awwwww..... ty.... ♥
awwww its okay if you need anyone and didnt find one am always here am doing the same you are doing :)
awwww <3 that's so sweet *hugs*
--faceless #8
Awwwww, you are so nice *cyberhug
awwwwww <3
/huggles you.
q______________q why aren't we friends in real life.................................................................. lol
