MyungJong Drabble ;)

I was bored. So, I wrote this. Originally posted at livejournal, but then, decided to post here as well :) Not the best drabble from me, but I gave this a shot xD LOL


“Just move on, Lee Sungjong. There's no point for crying alone like this. Do you think he will come to you and persuade you?”

Sungjong often convinces himself that he already moved on. God knows how much he actually tries to move on, but eventually, he let himself crying all over and over again. He knows that it is his fault for letting Myungsoo go. He couldn't help his little bad mouth for saying a simple "I want a break up" sentence. But then, he couldn't fully blame himself.

He's a very obedient boy. Never once in his life he disobeys his parents' word.

He loves Myungsoo, he knows he does. But, his parents never bless their relationship. They often ask him to break up with Myungsoo and he did without telling the older guy the reason. Instead, he told him that they are not fated to be with each other. Myungsoo deserves someone better. He thought.

Being in the same class and avoiding each other isn't any help to them. The scar in their hearts is too deep. How can he forget him when they're both in the same class, and sit close to each other (with Myungsoo sitting in front of him)?

He always see Myungsoo as a strong guy, but when he asked for a break up, Myungsoo shed his tears. In his past relationships, none of his boyfriends cried for him. Only Myungsoo who actually had the courage to cry, beg at him.

He knows how much they love each other, but it seems that they are not meant to be.

“I'm sorry, Kim Myungsoo.”


^ Okay, what the heck did I do? =___=" My writing is rusty, blerrgh.


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toujourspur7 #1
i love angst though XD and i love this ofc :3