Should I?

should I go on a  hiatus? :\ it seems that those authors who go on a hiatus like bubbles usually get good ideas the moment the hiatus ends...

and i totally am in need of good ideas for fluff and drama.. aish... i don't even know what's happening to me. I have LTTT totally planned out but somehow, it's just really hard to type out the idea and idk why. someone enlighten me. Well, the good thing is that I also have most of NOR planned out but my new fics like The girl who watched time and Stumbling into love's gates are like -cricket sounds-

I keep telling myself to spend a day just hinking bout ideas but I just kinda space out and think bout other stuff and end up playing games instead. Damn.... I thought of going on a hiatus for 3 to 4 days since I have a orientation camp on 11-14 april. But during the camp it's all fun and games and it's like.. I won't be thinking of the fic anyways so I decided not to. Well, the good thing is that after the camp I'm going overseas for a few days so that'll probably take my mind off all the distractions here at home since malaysia is kinda boring after you've bee there every year for 17 years...

But guys seriously should i go on a 4 or 5 days hiatus? :\ oh and for those of you who are worrying that I might mia when school starts in mid april, don't worry I won't. Updates will definitely be less frequent but I'll definitely update. probably once every 3 or 4 days. If you're lucky and I feel like being a loner and not going out, I'll twice on saturdays. But yeah I wont go hiatus unless i feel I can catch up with my school work.

And here I am again just talking to myself >_> Can I have a cookie?

Blah.. Anyways no updates today, tonight I'll be planning out  Stumbling into love's gates so that I can quickly get over the plots, and hit straight into the poster and the actual story. Kinda excited to release this fic ^^ and also, just an announcement, LTTT will be reposted as a private story somewhere next week, every week I'll repost 10 chapters (or somewhere around 10 chapters). And I sincerely apologize for those who were reading LTTT halfway when I suddenly deleted it. Really I feel extremely guilty for that :\ you readers just love to make me guilty dont you? Tch..

Well anyways, time for my korean class -shrugs-



Time out~

-rants about how my stupid laptop overheats SOOOOOO much-


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DeeJea #1
YOu should take a break you deserve it. I do hope you bring LTTT back its my favorite fic I read. YOu should take a break from thinking about fics, then take a break to focus on the fics. Take your time. I got cookies :) Chocolate ones :)
bebu110195 #2
Yes! I think you should take a break for a while , you know, to cool off your head and stay relaxed. I'm your reader so I want what's best for my favorite author. Just don't take too long or you would be too lazy or tooout of tune to get back into your old hobby.
Everyone needs their break and so do you, maybe while you stay low for some time, many good ideas would come across, somehow^^
So yeah, I think you should stay on hiatus.
jaiswo #3
Well since is just a hobby, and we do this for the fun of it, I would say; Do what you feel is best for yourself.
Someone needs to forget about the story and just clear their mind, while others need inspiration, or constant thinking of a new plot. And you dont have to hurry. People is not gonna unsubscribe just because you take a break.. hell I just came back from a 2-3 months break, and was still waiting ;)
What ever YOU feel is right, is the way for your muse to start whispering you good ideas again ;)
S: *hands cookie* Hiatus? What I want to know is what's your definition of a hiatus? Is it just a break from all aspects of fanfiction and take a vacation? Or is it just a break where you stop writing and only think about your story lines/ideas? Honestly, I can only consider something a hiatus when the length of the hiatus is more than a few weeks. Otherwise, I'd just call it a break. .-.
If you're running out of ideas, read a book or read other fanfiction. A lot of inspiration comes out of those for me. Or maybe sit down on a bench in park and just stare at nature. Ideas might pop up from the interactions of people, the weather, or animals. LOL Yeah, just ignore me. These are what usually work for me because I'm just weird like that. LOL But thinking that you'll get ideas after you end your hiatus is kinda...risky. If you really need help with fluff and drama, ask fellow authors for ideas. Watch some videos of your characters. Their actions, words, habits, talents can probably spark something in your brain.
So my final answer is no, don't go on a hiatus. There are days where you're just burnt out and don't feel like writing. I've had plenty of those days. Maybe the reason why people like Bubbles have so many ideas after their hiatus ends because they haven't written anything for that period of time. By then, they would be itching to write again. Write when you want to is my motto. Why should I write when I don't want to? The quality is just going to be worse. These are my thoughts. So whether you take them into consideration is your choice. I'm just a dumb author. ;_;
Yes you should -nods-
Dont think about ur story whilst ur on hiatus
Have like a whole 5+ days of just fun i guess
and then ull start to miss updating and ideas will come back! BUT! to make it even better, make urself not update. Forbid urself from updating and ur urge to write will grow ^^
Instead of updating write ur ideas onto paper. After you got around chapters written down then u can start updating again :]
killavibez #6
hello sicafeverz, i've sub all your fics like lttt, nor and can't 4 your nu ones. i kno i've been a silent reader but i've have been a loyal one :) like your laptop u need a recharge so take a break, rest your mind, ask your friends or family for cool ideas to help in your writing. i will patiently wait 4 your return, mos respect n love 2ya

my vibez r killa,
