I resemble ..........................................

(Stolen off lychee68 who stole it from MinaFish! =] )


Kim Taeyeon.

[x] You're a very childish, dorky person.
] Your favorite season is winter. (And Autumn!)

[x] You're the leader-type. (I guess I am ... Within my group of friends I'm like their leader, otherwise with other people... academically, I am not but in other terms I believe I am ^^)

[x] You love gummy bears. (I love lollies =] )
] Your parents are very supportive of you. (I know my mum is ... my dad? Not so much... well, hardly ever... but yeah ^^ My mum's support is what pushes me into making more important decisions. Saranghaeyo umma ^^)

[] You're on the short side. (I'm average, does that count?)
] You keep a lot of secrets from your friends, because you feel you would burden them. (I do now ... I can't always cry in front of them ... its a burden to them and its awkward, esp. since they don't know how to cheer you up...)

[x] You didn't play with dolls as a kid, but instead, robots, tops, and cars. (I played with cars ... hahaha !)
[] You talk in your sleep.
[x] You have bad memory. (You seriously do not know how bad it is ... it is horrible! Trust me ! =])
Total : 8 / 10


Jung Jessica.
] You cry when you're angry. (Yes ... I cry whenever I am frustrated, sad, annoyed, lonely ... even happy that I cry myself when laughing ... haha :)
] You appear cold at first, but you're actually very sweet. (That depends) <-- agree ^^
[] You would choose sleeping over eating. (Maybe, but I love to eat ! Although I'm kinda dieting? LOL!)
] You are dreadful in the kitchen; you can't cook at all. (I don't think I'm bad, I just need a recipe and I'm off cooking ! I love to cook !)
[] You're from the USA.
] It's VERY difficult to wake you up, and you treasure your sleep time immensely. (Hmm ... IDK, I wake up easily but I do treasure my sleep! I take long to get out of bed =)) I loooove to rest ^^)

[x] You're popular to the boys/girls. (I was thinking how to answer this question ... I don't consider myself popular since I hang out with the "imports" <-- not racist, just dunno what other words to use... anyhow, no I am not popular. But I guess amongst the boys as in they ... crush on me? LOL, then I guess so ... haha)
 You can play soccer well, and also a bit of boxing. (I love soccer ! I think my kicks are good ! But boxing ?? I hate it and I don't know much but I know how to do those simple hits ... whatever xD)

[] You have a bad temper.
[] You have a younger sister, and you don't think you're a very good older sister to her. (LOL I have 3 younger sisters and 1 younger bro ... to one/two of them I might be a little slack at times when they piss me off but then I'm a good sister xD)
Total : 5 / 10


Lee Sunny.
[] You're scared of fireworks. (I love fireworks ! )
] You enjoy video games and sports. (I'm getting more athletic this year, so I guess I do enjoy sports ^^ I don't really play video games but I do enjoy it once I have a chance to play it ^^)

[] You're one of the shortest people.
] You have a lot of aegyo. (LOOOOOOOOOOOL ! I like aegyo things & people say I'm cute so ... hahaha)  
] You hate your name. (Yes. I hate my name. And I think I can feel why Sunny hates her name 'Sunkyu' too ... )
[] You mumble like a puppy in your sleep.
] You love sneakers, and prefer them over any other shoe. (They're so comfy! But I also do like a change of shoes ... haha)
] You're unorganized, and your room will often be messy.

[] You haven't had your first kiss yet. (Unfortunately, yes ... if only I can reverse time ! Argh ... but if I erase my past ... ) 

[x] You can't cook very well because you're scared of fire and knives. (One reason I avoid Gas stove tops is the fire ... dude I cried in Food Tec class because of fire T^T And I hardly touch knives ... those shark cooking ones ... because I'm scared of blood if it cuts my skin T^T)
Total: 6 / 10


] You're the youngest among your siblings.
] You cry a lot. (And very easily ... the last time  cried was like a few hours ago ...)
] You're obsessed with the color pink. (Not too obsessed but favourite. I also love Grey, blue, black, red, purple ... lots of colours ^^ But mostly grey & pink & blue ;] )
] You clap your hands when you laugh. (Always ... haha)

[] You usually get what you want. (Life's hard ... haha)

[] You're scared of ghosts.

[x] Your voice is very loud, and can be heard over loud music. (That's when I scream ... otherwise my voice can also be really soft ^^)

[] You're scared of babies/kids. (I LOVE BABIES/KIDS !)
] Your charm and your weakness is your liveliness. (Yahh ;) )
[x] You're kind to everyone, even people who dislike you. (Don't do evil for evil ^^)
Total : 6 / 10


[x] You're very honest and quirky.
] You don't like bothering others with your problems/feelings.
] You're obsessive about cleanliness and hygiene. (I hate it when something gets dirty ... like the area where you sit on the ground ... I prefer standing then sitting xD)

[x] You would give up a career for love. (Yes I would. Love is everything, Love is my life. Without love = without me... career only comes 3rd or 4th .. ^^)
] You make jokes out of lots of things.
] You're a talented dancer.
[x] You're one of the most athletic people out of your friends. (I don't consider myself as an athlete or a sporty sporty person, but at least out of my group of friends, I am athletic ^^)

[x] You're an independent person. (In terms of work and some other issues, I am. In some others, I am dependent)
] You hate when people sleep with their mouth open.
] You love fast food, but try not to eat too much of it.

Total: 8 / 10

] When you're focused on something, you don't pay attention to anything else. (Exactly!)

[x] You have a habit of slapping people. (Gosh ! Reminds me of Year 3 ! I was full whacking people's ... no I am not a et ! I find it annoying myself =)) I call myself 'Mr Whackabutt' LOOL ! But then now if I have to or if my instinct, I slap their arm xD)

[x] You act feminine when guys are around, vice versa. (I do at times, but I'm the weak type and the feminine side of me takes over naturally, with or without guys)

[x] Not good at math. (In fact, I hate it)

[x] You have a lot of guy friends, and used to/are tomboy-ish, vice versa. (I used to have lots of guy friends & when I was younger, I was tomboyish but now, not so much ^^)
[x] You love playing pranks on your friends.
] You're very flexible. (-ish. Wish I am more.)
[x] You're like the lawyer of your friends because you always need to have your say first. (LOL, at times, yes. At times no.)
] You like to make things clean/organized. (But I hardly do ... even though I really want to xD)

[] You're scared of elephants.
Total: 8 / 10


[] You eat, on average, 6-7 times a day.
] You've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
] You're a gamer.
] You're the tallest out of your friends.

[] You seem to be intimidating, but you're actually quiet and obedient.
] You're a friendly, cheerful person.
] You feel that you're not beautiful.
[] Your motto is: "Let's not procrastinate."
] You're a fan of Harry Potter.

[x] You invent cute nicknames for people.

Total: 3 / 10

] You're considered the prettiest out of your friends. (LOL, does second count? Actually, I dunno >.<)
] You seem quiet and hard to approach, but you're actually quite friendly.
] You're the strongest--physically--in your group. (Does this count guys? Because if you cross out 1 of my guy friend, I admit I'm the strongest ^^)
] You love roller coasters.

[x] You have a unique laugh.

[x] You're a free thinker.
] You don't know how to swim.
] You're the queen/king of midnight snacking.

[x] If you're upset, you'll voice it out. (Half the time)
] You like ballad songs the most.
Total : 8 / 10


] You love eating sweet potatoes.

[] You're very skilled with the piano.
] You wake up when someone turns on the lights or calls out to you.
] You like books and enjoy reading.

[] You think guys/girls are gross.
[x] You're fond of wearing headbands.
] You love listening to classical music, or nature's sounds. (RAINDROPS!! :D) <-- agreed. Not so much classical music.., It depends ^^ 

[x] If you're angry, you'll stay quiet.

[] You're an only child.
] You're very polite and obedient.

Total : 6 / 10 


Woah ! So many 8s !! So I resemble Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, Yuri and Yoona most ! 


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Kris-C25 #1
I resemble the most with Yoona .. :) <3 LOL ..

I sleep with my mouth open T^T

Does this mean you hate me?

I was lmao when you mentioned you hang around importsXD
i got taeyeon... i think :o
lol nice!
:D Im mostly like Hyoyeon and Seohyun :D