200 confessions. -cough- more like facts.

200:My crush's name is: Nonexistant (:
199: My birthday is: 7/20/96
198: I am really: sarcastic
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T
196: My eye color is: Green
195: My shoe size is: 9...o.o
194: My ring size is: I have no idea
193: My height is: 5"8
192: I am allergic to: Sulfur Medication
191: My 1st car was: none.. yet
190: My 1st job was: Camp Counsler 
189: Last book you read: Hot Zone by Richard Preston. It's not a romance novel or something. -.- It's about the Ebola virus.

188: My bed is: under my booty at the moment

187: My pet: obese
186: My best friend: Paulalalalalala -whispers- touched my tralala <3
185: My favorite shampoo is: that kid shampoo that smells like strawberries c:
184: Xbox or ps3: Wii mofo.
183: Piggy banks are: outdated?
182: In my pockets: nothing
181: On my calendar: Monday is STAAR testing ;AA;
180: Marriage is: something that should be cherished. Too bad I have 3 wives, 5 boyfriend and girlfriends, and a lover. 4 of them are pregnant <3 (:
179: Spongebob can: date Sandy anytime now.
178: My mom: is a handsome lady.
177: The last three songs I bought were? The Hot Zone book, head phones, and a screen protector.
176: Last YouTube video watched: Fantastic Baby - Big Bang live performance
175: How many cousins do you have? 7
174: Do you have any siblings? No
173: Are your parents divorced? They were never married how do I answer this?
172: Are you taller than your mom? No
171: Do you play an instrument? Does the recorder count? C:
170: What did you do yesterday? Went to school then slept until 10 am on the next day.

[I Believe In]
169: Love at first sight: YES!
168: Luck: Yes
167: Fate: Yes
166: Yourself: Hell yes, I will cure cancer. Or HIV. I haven't decided yet really.
165: Aliens: No, but there is life on Mars. Just bacteria that produce methane.
164: Heaven: Yes
163: real friends: Yessir
162: God: I'm agnostic. I think. 
161: Horoscopes: yes
160: Soul mates: yes
159: Ghosts: No
158: Gay Marriage: Yes. If I have to lose half my in a divorce, they can too. C:
157: War: Uh. Well it's a real thing...so. Uhm.
156: Orbs: lolwut
155: Magic: No. What am I, 5?

[This or That]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Both from him, hugs from everyone else. <3
153: Drunk or High: Neither
152: Phone or Online: Online porfavor
151: Red heads or Black haired: Ew gingers. Black.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes <3 
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Winter. Oh wait that's real? I live in Texas so I wouldn't know what winter is.
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn. My favorite color is everywhere.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Ew neither. Chocolate ice cream is too bitter and Vanilla is too plain. 
145: Night or Day: Day
144: Oranges or Apples: Neither. Mangoes is where it's at.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDooogles <3 I'm Amuuuurican remember?
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk <3
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heals: converse! <3
138: Ugly and rich OR y and poor: I don't care about money or looks. Can't I just have someone who can make me laugh? [:
137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi. Drinking one right now <3
136: Hillary or Obama: Ew Hillary. Obama <3
135: Burried or cremated: Burried
134: Singing or Dancing: dancing ;)
133: Coach or Chanel: lolwut
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: lolwut
131: Small town or Big city: big city <3
130: Wal-Mart or Target: wally
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Both. Just got them done too.
127: East Coast or West Coast: Uhm. I live in the south. Not the racist part doe.
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas.
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: lolwutaresports.

[Here's What I Think About]
122: War: unnecessary
121: George Bush: HA. Too much to say about that ing dumb . My mother supports him. That's what I have to say about her too.
120: Gay Marriage: Go for it
119: The presidential election: I have no idea who's running, except I know the only thing Rick Santorum talks about is and taking away birth control because women who take it are . I don't know Rush Limbaugh's irrelevance towards anything but he said a woman who takes subsidized birth control (meaning the government paid for it) is a and should record the and put it on the internet too. 
118: Abortion: Pro-choice. Who gives a ? They're parasites.
117: MySpace: lolwut that's still a thing?
116: Reality TV: Intertaining as long as you don't try to copy them.
115: Parents: I love my mother (sometimes) but I can't wait till I get out of the house. The week I turn 18. <3
114: Back stabbers: Come at me bro.
113: Ebay: I look but don't touch.
111: Work: it has to be done, at least do something that interests you.
110: My Neighbors: LOL. They're are 13 Angolans living above me, 10 children, two women, and one man. They walk like they have cement shoes on, ALL DAY. -__-
109: Gas Prices: people need to stop complaining. It's 13 dollars a gallon in Britain yo. 3-4 isn't that bad.
108: Designer Clothes: lolwut idgaf
107: College: I will go to Baylor or Rice. 
106: Sports: football isn't as good as some Americans think. Considering most people who don't live in America think I'm talking about Soccer.
105: My family: TBH, I hate every single one of them besides my grandpappy. I love my grandad to death, the rest are hill billies. My grandma is bat insane. She doesn't believe the Holocaust happened.
104: The future: I will be out of my house, traveling the world. That is after I get out of med school.

[Last time I]
103: Hugged someone: this morning.
102: Last time you ate: pizza
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: I SAW SAMEUL ZHU TODAY WHEN I GOT MY NAILS DONE <3 He got handsome :) He remembered me before I recognized him.
100: Cried in front of someone: yes.
99: Went to a movie theater: last thursday.
98: Took a vacation: last week.
97: Swam in a pool: last summer.
96: Changed a diaper: never xD
95: Got my nails done: an hour ago
94: Went to a wedding: when I was really young.
93: Broke a bone: my collar bone.
92: Got a peircing: when I was 10
91: Broke the law: skipping school is against the law XD so yes. 
90: Texted: . Yesterday? lolol I don't even know where my phone is.

89: Who makes you laugh the most: my prends <3
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: nothing. Free food? lolol
87: The last movie I saw: The Collector
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Nothing xD uhhhhh next year when I'm going to Peru? IDEK. My mother doesn't tell me . Next year when I'm not a freshie anymore? IDEK.
85: The thing im not looking forward to: waking up tomorrow.
84: People call me: haha bad things? wanna be, annoying, clingy, rude, mean. Good things? Pretty, model, funny, cool. Idk I don't get picked on.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: leave someone
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no
81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer
80: The first person i talked to today was: My mother. :( lol ofc. She wakes me up every morning.
79: First time you had a crush: lolololol preschool?
78: The one person who i can't hide things from: Paulalala <3
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I have no idea...
76: Right now I am talking to: Jacob.
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Neurologist, Pathologist, Biochemist, or Diagnostician. Haven't decided yet.
74: I have/will get a job: what. this isn't a question.
73: Tomorrow: Church and shopping
72: Today: Staying home C:
71: Next Summer: Going to see my family and staying home.
70: Next Weekend: I have no idea. Probably a movie night with my friends.
69: I have these pets: cat, dog, and a rabbit. I BARELY SEE THE RABBIT ;AA; it's only at my cousin's house now because it would get out of it's cage and on our carpet :(
68: The worst sound in the world: silence. Lol jokes. Uh. Bugs scuttering across the floor or when they get stepped on. 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Nobody makes me cry.
66: People that make you happy: all my friends and this weirdo named Shin. [: oh jesus if Michi shows him this. I doubt she'll read this far. ;]
65: Last time I cried: I have no idea. When I broke my collar bone? Probably then. 
64: My friends are: too complicated to group together and generlize [: <3
63: My computer is: my wife. <3 We have been together through some tough times yo, but she's always here to keep my lap toasty.
62: My School: pretty good.
61: My Car: my grandpa's [: he's the only one who lets me drive <3
60: I lose all respect for people who: hate without knowing the person. Or stereotype, are racist, makes generalizations, or looks down on someone for shallow reasons. I admit, I hate a lot of people. But I hate them for what they say or how the act, not what they look like, what they have, or how they grew up. Everyone has a past.
59: The movie I cried at was: none. I almost cried at Dear John. Mostly because Channing Tatum is too good looking to get shot at. 

58: Your hair color is: amazing
57: TV shows you watch: Criminal Minds, Fringe, Glee, House, and Family Guy occasionally.
56: Favorite web site: Facebook and YouTube.
55: Your dream vacation: hmmm..anywhere I haven't been. I really want to go to Japan or New York. I would drag my friends from RPs with me. Shin, Michi, Sean, Conner, Jason, and Sunji. I would pay for all those beautiful people. [:
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I landed on my head after a front flip with no hands on a trampoline. I was paralysed for 10 minutes and I had a killer neck cramp afterwards.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: uh I don't know. As long as it's not tough all things are good.
52: My room is: covered with posters 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Britney from glee or Quinn. I want Brit's body, I have Quinn's hair. Quinn looked hot with pink hair. Just saying.

50: Where would you like to be: with one person.
49: Do you want children: maybe. A maximum of 2.
48: Ever been in love: Yes and I am right now. It exists.
47: Who's your best friend: Paula.
46: More guy friends or girl friends: In real life, girls. Online, boys. IDK WHY. Girls are drama llamas.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: being with fun people.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Shin! Haha I don't know. Now that Quinn's beautiful hair is in my face and Brit's slamming body is looking back at me, uhm the stylist and a personal trainer. I really like Quinn. She's attractive. Not in a way that I would go lesbian for her. Just...in a way that I am envious.
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Get through school.
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yes. I got to ten and gave up. 
41: Have you pre-named your children: Yes xD
40: Last person I got mad at: That's a lot of people. This annoying person in my class. His name is Onyeka. There can't be many of those, stalk him on facebook.
39: I would like to move to: no where. I would like to stay where I am.
38: I wish I was a professional: ice cream taster. [;

[My Favorites]
37: Candy: skittles
36: Vehicle: Whatever this is:

35: President: George Bush C: oh god let me go wash my mouth out with soup. IDK I don't keep up with politics.
34: State visited: Nevada. Only for Las Vegas C:
33: Cellphone provider: at&t
32: Athlete: Scola. Lolwut jokes he's hairy.
31: Actor: Zach Galifinakis. Yeah I searched up how to spell his name, so what? C:
30: Actress: KRISTEN STEWART ALL THE WAY MAN. Lmao kidding. Amy Poehler <3
29: Singer: Hmm...Pink and Lady Gaga. If I was cabable of crying, I would cry during dear mr. president and sober. Oh and I really like Fix You by Coldplay. The "tears stream down your face" part really gets to me. I didn't even know it was Japan's song for the last tsunami. I ing love that song. I go to sleep to it every night now. <3
28: Band: System of a Down. Lol jokes, I dunnoooo. I don't pick favorites well. I have a whole list that I like though. 
27: Clothing store: I dunno xD anything. I like Rue 21. But I'm normally a small in every store or an extra small and there I'm a medium. Lolwut. It makes me feel fat. ;AA; are their clothes from China or something? :( America is fat. 
26: Grocery store: H.E.B
25: TV show: Criminal Minds or Glee
24: Movie: X-men origins and Seven Pounds. Wow now that I think of it, I may have cried during Seven Pounds. :( Wow. Congrats to Will Smith.
23: Website: Uh. Scroll up.
22: Animal: Koala or Sloth OuO
21: Theme park: lolwut they have names.
20: Holiday: Christmas.
19: Sport to watch: soccer or basketball.
18: Sport to play: I've played everything except Lacross, even powder puff football. ;] But nothing this year.
17: Magazine: Mind or Times. I wont waste my money on that celebrity gossip XD
16: Book: The Immortal Devices series. and the Infernal Devices. ;AA; I would marry Jem. IDGAF if he's fictional. And Jace. 
14: Beach: any of the ones in Cozumel Mexicoooooooooooooo.

13: Concert attended: Lady Gaga's last year...? I think.
12: Thing to cook: Stir Fry. I make good stir fry C: with pineapples OuO
11: Food: Mangoes CCC: <3 anything asian I've found I like. Mexican food :Q__________ I really don't like Italian. 
10: Restaurant: Cafe Taipei for Chinese, Lupe's for Mexican, Le Mestral's for French, Aka for Japanese, H-Mart for Korean, Smash Burger for Hamburgers, Hungry's for Greek, and uhm. Many more. I'm not good with favorites. :C
9: Radio station: 95.7 and 104.1
8: Yankee candle scent: Idk.
7: Perfume: sweet smelling or Ed Hardy. Ed Hardy is a bit strong..but I love Paris Hilton's perfume, it smells like candy :Q__ I get people coming up and sniffing my hair and neck OuO <3
6: Flower: I don't like flowers. :C but rose? I guess.
5: Color: RED.
4: Talk show host: None.
3: Comedian: Daniel Tosh and Aziz Ansari. Tosh is just a complete xD but he says what I'm thinking, and Aziz is just hilarious.
2: Dog breed: Any big dog. Jack Russles, Pomeranians, and Beagles are the only exception.
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over: yessir


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