‘I want to work at Planet Mato!’ ; Lee Hye Won

‘I want to work at Planet Mato!’


Username: beastbangblock

Profile Link: Ta-dah!~

What would you like me to address you as in case we speak? You can call me Jaemi: Mari



Name: Lee Hye Won



Mato Name: MunJe || 문제 || "trouble" in korean




     'troublemaker' Hyewon is fierce and intimidating. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and could care less about what other people think of her. Hyewon is straightforward and blunt with her opinions. She will always say whatever comes to her mind. Her words are sharp and strong. Hyewon has a very calm and cool demeanor. Even though she is calm on the outside, she can still explode with anger if you mess with her. Controlling her anger takes a lot of patience. Hyewon can be a bit stubborn at times. Hyewon nags a lot too and always feels the need to curse when something doesn't go her way. She has a dry sense of humor and takes everything seriously. Play a bad joke on her, then you better run for your life. She speaks 3 languages fluently: Sarcasm, Smart-, & Profanity. You better watch your back if you get on her bad side. Don't be fooled and never underestimate her just because of her appearance. Hyewon is sly and cunning and knows her way around things and will always find a way to get what she wants. With her attitude, she gives off a y atmosphere.

     'misunderstood' Hyewon may seem rude and cold at first, but once you get to know her, she will open up to you. Hyewon only acts that way to isolate herself because she has trust issues. She doesn't like getting attached to people because she is afraid that they will eventually leave her. She might not be the easiest person to get along with. If you can put up with her attitude, then you have gained a very loyal and trustworthy friend.  Hyewon always has her ipod with her wherever she goes. She sometimes uses it to drown out the sounds of her surroundings. Even though Hyewon may seem a bit harsh she also has her soft side. She goofs off her her close friends and is laid-back and out-going. Hyewon likes to have a good time. That's one off her good qualities.

     'clubber' Hyewon is very lively when it comes to partying. She loves to go clubbing in Hongdae dancing the night away to fast beats of the pounding music. Hyewon also drinks a lot because she has a high tolerance with alcohol. She smokes too but not that often. Not many people know this about Hyewon, but she can rap. Sometimes she performs in a club called NB in Hongdae. Men flock over Hyewon and she uses them to get one or two free drinks. Clubbing is the only way for Hyewon to escape reality and just get lost into the music.

     'ambitious' Despite being rude at times, Hyewon is very mature and focused when it comes to her profession. She holds a strong determination to succeed. Letting people down is not what Hyewon wants. Hyewon expects a lot from herself and believes in her abilities to become better at what she does. She is independent at work but relies on the money given to her from her parents. Her parents worry about her a lot so they send a big amount of cash monthly. You might see Hyewon as spoiled, but she only accepts the money for her parents reassurance. Besides that, Hyewon wants to follow her own path in life. Her mind is set to live successfully with a bright future.

     'heartbreaker' When it comes to love, she doesn't believe in happy endings. Hyewon isn't someone to "fall in love" easily. She doesn't believe in all the "love at first sight" crap either. Hyewon had some bad experiences with love in her high school days. She never got into a serious relationship. Hyewon had a few flings here and there because she doesn't want to get hurt again. No, she isn't a . Hyewon uses guys to fill the empty spot in her heart left by her ex-boyfriend. She manipulates them and has them at her fingertips. After she is satisfied or bored with the relationship, she will dump them. Hyewon is terrified if she gets into a serious relationship because she believes he will eventually leave her. Hyewon goes by the saying, "Get close enough to have fun, but don't get attached enough to get hurt."


     'los angeles, california' Hyewon was born in Busan, South Korea. Hyewon's parents are both musicians. Her father is a pianist (27) and her mother is a violinist (25). Hyewon was surrounded by music. Her parents taught her how to play the piano and violin at an early age. After living in Busan for 6 years her family moved to Los Angeles, California where she learned how to speak English and French fluently.  In LA, Hyewon's father got a doctor's degree (38) while her mother became a famous fashion desginer (36). Hyewon comes from a well-off and loving family. In middle school, she was ranked #1 in looks and in intelligence. Hyewon took many martial arts classes for self denfense because of her overprotective parents. While living in LA, Hyewon started to develop a bad attitude due to her influencial peers. Because of that, her parents decided that it would be better to move back to South Korea. 

     'seoul, south korea' At the age of 16, they moved back to Seoul, South Korea. Although Hyewon's bad attitude subsided, she still had it in her, but she learned to control it. In high school, Hyewon (18) experienced her first heartbreak when her boyfriend of 2 years broke up with her for her best friend, Nicole. Turns out her "so-called best friend" only became her friend to get closer to Hyewon's boyfriend. This led to Hyewon becoming cold and distant and wasn't able to trust or love people so easily. This caused Hyewon's bad attitude to rekindle. Pitying their daughter, Hyewon's parents did everything they could to mend her broken heart. They even tried to have an arranged marriage. When it was time for her to go to college, she decided to live in an apartment. Hyewon's parents allowed it but were worried so they visited often to check up on her. At the age of 21, Hyewon decided to go work at the place where all her problems started, at Planet Mato.

Why do you wish to work at Planet Mato: Planet Mato is the place where Hyewon's ex-boyfriend dumped her in high school. As much as she despises to be there, by working there, she wants to grow stronger and overcome her first heartbreak. 

Were you doing anything prior to coming to Planet MatoHyewon is currently studying at Seoul Institute of the Arts majoring in piano and violin. She is also minoring in singing (mainly rap). Hyewon was modeling for her mother's fashion magazine before coming to Planet Mato.

Where do you currently resideSeoul, South Korea in an apartment living with her best friend, Sunggyu, and her three jindo dogs.


  • coffee | Caramel Macchiato and Hazelnut are her favorite kinds of coffee
  • dogs | she likes how dogs are very loyal and loving
  • horror movies | her favorite movie is Death Bell *Kim Bum /drools*
  • food | nomnomnom what can I say? That girl loves her BulGoGi and Kimchi fried rice
  • music | it calms her
  • the sound of rainy weather | the sound is also very calming


  • being alone | she fears people will leave her
  • lazy people | they tend to have no ambition or goals in life
  • aegyo | she finds it very annoying
  • cats |  she thinks they are lazy, evil, furry beings
  • candy | Hyewon doesn't have much of a sweet tooth
  • raisins | she coked on it once when she was young 


  • turns up the volume of her ipod to drown out her surroundings
  • takes walks during the night in the streets of Seoul to get things off her mind
  • gets very competitive
  • curses or yells in frustraiton when something doesn't go her way
  • rubs her temples when someone annoys her


  • can fluently speak Korean, English, and French 
  • owns 3 jindo dogs: [ Tofu ] [ Macchiato ] [ Beast ]
  • favorite seasons are fall & winter 
  • has a husky voice 
  • heavy sleeper
  • sleep talks in English or French
  • blood type: O
  • black belt in TaeKwonDo | Hapkido | Judo 
  • can rap
  • can play the piano and violin
  • her motto is: “Your haters are your motivators”



DescriptionHyewon is the average height of 165 cm and weighs roughly about 50 kg. She has chocolate-brown cat-like eyes and has long auburn hair that goes just above her waist. Her skin complexion is milky-white. She two tattoos: [ behind right ear ] [ right wrist ]. Hyewon also has many piercings on her ear: [ right ear ] [ left ear ].

Ulzzang Name: Su Kyung

Links: [ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ] [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ]

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Links: [ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ] [ 04 ] [ 05 ] [ 06 ]

Style[ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ]

ExtraThis music necklace was given to Hyewon from her parents before she went to college.



Family Members:

[ Lee Won Bin | 48 | Doctor/Pianist ] - Strict at times, but a very caring and loving father. Hanbyul respects and loves her father very much.

[ Park Ji Hye | 46 | Fashion Designer/Violinist ] - Very supportive and an independent woman. Hanbyul loves her mom and has a very close relationship with her.

Best Friend:

[ Kim Sunggyu | 22 | College student at Seoul Institute of the Arts majoring in singing ] - He is Hyewon's partner in crime, the peanut butter to her jelly, the sunshine to her rain. Sunggyu is overprotective of Hyewon and treats her like his sister. He cares a lot for her and always has her back. He is always there for Hyewon no matter what and will always try to make her smile whenever she feels as if it is her against the world. He is caring, considerate, sweet and kind. He will always offer a shoulder to cry on when she is feeling down. He is someone who brightens her day. He is very responsible, but a little naggy. Sunggyu is such a great friend to have. He is a type of person that will always be with you through thick and thin.


[ Nam Woohyun | 21 | Waiter at Planet Mato ] - He is like the "mother" of the group and will always find a way to have skinship with Hyewon without Sunggyu knowing. Woohyun loves skinship and is very flirtatious even with Sunggyu! He is very charming and loves to party. Girls are always falling for his greasiness.

[ Bang Yongguk | 21 | Manager/Host at Planet Mato ] - Yongguk is quite the fouled mouth person. He isn't afraid to swear in front of any one. He is tough and manly, but does have a soft spot somewhere under his rough exterior. He likes to goof off with his friends and co-workers. He is always teasing Hyewon and flirting with her. Yongguk jokes around a lot and makes funny faces that is able to make anyone laugh.


|| L.O.V.E. GIRL! ||

Love Interest[ 01 Jang Dongwoo ] [ 02 Hoya/Lee Howon ] 03 Nam Woohyun ]

About Him

[ Jang Dongwoo | 21 | Chef at Planet Mato ]

[ Lee Howon | 21 | Coreographer at a dance studio ]

[ Nam Woohyun | 21 | Waiter at Planet Mato ]

     'for all three' He is the most flirtatious guy you will ever meet. He is arrogant and cocky. He thinks he knows everything and gets jealous very easily. He has a gorgeous smile that has girls falling for him. He has a great sense of humor and loves to joke around. Although he may seem tough, he also has his soft side. He secretly cries when watching dramas. He can be very sweet and kind at times. Everybody loves to be around him because he can lighten up any mood with his jokes and smile. He is laid back and outgoing and loves to have a good time. 


[ Jang Dongwoo ]

[ Lee Howon ]

[ Nam Woohyun ] 

     'for all three' When Hyewon first meet him she hated him. She found him really annoying because he would try to flirt with her. He was drawn towards HyeWon's personality and charm which is different from most girls. He likes how she doesn't care what people think about her. He loves to try to make her laugh and tries to become friends with her. Hyewon accepts his friendship after his many attempts. His persisting personality on trying to become friends with her marks the beginning of their soon-to-be-relationship. HyeWon begins to open up and trust him as time progresses.

Love Rival: N/A



Your working partner: 01 Moon Jongup ] 02 Kim Himchan ] 03 Jung Daehyun ]


Moon Jongup | 17 | Waiter ] Jongup is a good listener and is very respectful. Hyewon works very well with Jongup. He doesn't mind her personality at all. He never fails to remind Hyewon to watch how she acts towards the costumers. Although he is younger than Hyewon, she has a lot of respect for him. He is one of the few that earned her trust. Jongup and Hyewon always get the job done.

Kim Himchan | 19 | Waiter ] Himchan is your deifinition of 'aegyo king.' Whenever he tries to use his aegyo on Hyewon, she gets really annoyed. He likes to mess with her which usually has them quarreling instead of working. At the end of the day, they surprisingly get the job done. Surprisingly.

Jung Daehyun | 18 | Waiter ] Since Daehyun is very soft-spoken and reserved, Hyewon's personality intimidates him. He doesn't speak much which sometimes irritates Hyewon, and when he does speak, it is usually a sarcastic remark.. She doesn't really want to scare off Daehyun because he seems  so innocent. Evidently, they do a pretty good job at getting the job done. They are known as the "awkward pair."

How did you get stuck with him:

Moon Jongup ] Yongguk knew that Jongup would be a good influence for Hyewon so she won't scare the customers away.

[ Kim Himchan ] Being the joker he is, Yongguk paired her up with him because he knew Himchan would annoy the hell out of Hyewon.

[ Jung Daehyun ] Yongguk paired them up randomly.

Position: [ 01 ] Waitress | [ 02 ] Cashier | [ 04 ] Chef | [ 03 ] Hostess

Which section of Planet Mato do you want to work at: The actual Café part (two floors) | The Restaurant (two floors) | The Karaoke Bars (six rooms) | The Internet Café | The Party Rooms (six rooms)

Anyone you don’t particularly get along with

[ Nicole/Jung Yongjoo | 20 | Waitress at Planet Mato ]

     They went to the same high school. Nicole was her bestfriend, until she stole Hyewon's boyfriend, Lim Hyunsik, away from her. Nicole was just using Hyewon to get to her boyfriend. They became rivals in everything they do. Dancing, rapping, grades, clothes, looks, all of it became a competition. Although Hyewon beat her in all of those, she still lost her first boyfriend to that b*tch. Because of that, Hyewon became cold and distant. Hyewon hates her. Period. After she found out Nicole is working in Planet Mato, she decided to show her up and how she became better than her. Fortuately, Hyunsik is still dating Nicole, it makes her revenge so much easier. Hyewon wants to show them both that she grew more beautiful and ier than ever and that she became successful. Nicole and Hyewon hate each other so much. 

Have any regulars:

[ Kim Sunggyu | 21 ] They're bestfriends and he loves seeing Hyewon at work.

[ Yang Seungho | 24 ] He was the guy Hyewon was suppose to have the arrange marriage with although she didn't know that until her parents told her. She feels uneasy whenever he visits.

What are your biggest problems:

     'arranged marriage' 2 years after Hyewon's boyfriend broke up with her, Hyewon's parents decided for an arranged marriage. She wasn't aware of who she was getting married to. Yang Seungho, her 'fiance', knew about everything and fell in love with her. When Hyewon decided to call off the marriage, it broke Seungho's heart. After she got a job at Planet Mato, Seungho always visited her even though she didn't want to see him. Hyewon's parents decided to call back the wedding because they knew Seungho would be a good husband, father, and son-in-law. Hyewon couldn't oppose because she knew they were doing it for her own good. The problem is, Hyewon thinks she isn't good enough for him and wants him to marry someone who will love and cherish him.

     'ex-boyfriend' Hyewon's ex-boyfriend who is currently dating her co-worker, Nicole, begins to visit the cafe. Although the reason why she even wanted to work there was because of them. Hyewon wanted to work at Planet Mato to seek revenge and make Hyunsik crawl back to her so she can dump him. But Hyewon is having second thoughts now because she is afraid she might love him again which will ruin the whole plan. 


Anything Else:  I'm not so sure about the parings but I kinda ship HaeSica. Sorry if I used Hyunsik from BTOB as the ex-boyfriend even though he isn't on the list ;___; Oh and I am really sorry if my app is very confusing OTL. /runs off and hides in le corner of shame

Password: herp derp...there was no password :3 So here is a random macro *----*

'I want to work at Planet Mato!' ; Lee Hye Won | beastbangblock


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