Drawings! Whee!!~~

Hwaahh~ I'm insanely bored right now, so I decided to post a few of my online drawings. =w=)b Oh. By the way, this character is mine, so, yeah. No claiming her. x3 Uh...some of these are really bad. You have been warned. xP

The dude in this is named Ace. x3 He's from Heart no Kuni no Alice. :D I'm obsessed with him, so...jah. ^w^

I applaud the Vocaloid fans out there that get the reference of this picture. x3

Oh, hey! I remember this one!!! This was back before I had MyPaint!!! It took me, like 4 days to draw this, because I used Microsoft Paint!! Good times~ x3 Miku Hatsune is awesome! >:D

Fukkireta time!! x3

Love is War!! D:<<


There are more, but i'm done for now. x3 Kthanksbai!!~ ( ^o^)/) ))


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