TT^TT Why you delete the story???

GAH!!! I was reading a really good fic called Chaerin in zombieland, there was a zombie apocolypse, TopBom, Skydragon, Darayang, MinRi, creepy zombies, zombie killings.....

Well you get it, anyway it was a good fic so far even if it only had 3 chapters.


The author had a lack of updates but it was ok.


I was really getting into the story and I couldn't wait to find out what would happen to the couples and how they would survive.



This afternoon, while I was reading a Michmunch fanfic, I realised that the person hadn't updated for a while so I thought...

'Hey, maybe I should go to their fic and leave a comment asking them to update'

So I went to my subscriptions and tried to find the fic but it wasn't there so then I thought

'I must have unsubscribed, stupid me'

So I searched for the fic and when I found it I clicked on it and do you know what it said???





No story available











I was soooooo pissed and I complained to my friends for ages until my rage subsided and was replaced by sorrow. TT^TT

If only the story could be continued or at least the concept *sigh*

I was going to do it but I'm already working on a fic and I have another one planned AND I can't think of a good story plot so yeah =P

Anyone want to do it instead??? Heehee

I can't even remember the name of the author =(


Mianhae, I didn't mean to rant so much but I guess I just needed to vent out my anger and frustration.



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