This person should go to hell!

PLEASE READ!!! Yesterday I was on utube, minding my own business, when I came upon a video about the tsunami and earthquake in Japan last year, and how we would help them. Everything was great until I read the one and only comment, 'boring!!!!' Of course I replied to this person, saying, 'how can u say this is boring!! If u really think this is boring then you are heartless person!' Other people backed me up by give me 'thumbs up' and other also wrote back to this person saying that he/she is a immature person. I then got a reply today saying, 'boring boring boring.... Sub me' I also replied back, but I won't write the whole thing out, basically I said karma would get he/she back and he/she shouldn't have put a bad comment because obviously he/she doesn't know how many people died. THEN... This PABO... Responded by saying, 'SHUDDUP IDIOT AND SUB ME' I am trying to relax here... If u want to see this then go to YouTube and write 'pray for Japan (power of words) must watch!!!' I really want to lash out at this person again.... But I'm gonna be the responsible one and walk away from this. COMMENT IF U THINK I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING DIFFERENT! XD


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