Princess Application Form^^

Username: BAPWarrior
AFF profile link: click!
Times your on: everyday
Names you want me to call you by: Haena

Whole name: Lee Haena
Nicknames: Hae, Hannah (english name)
Age: 20
Birthday: November 6, 1990
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Languages spoken: Korean, English
Lives: Seoul, South Korea
Likes (7+):

  • Snow
  • Recording songs
  • Performing on stage
  • Shoes
  • Bunnies
  • Colorful lights
  • Accessories 
  • Shopping
  • Skating (Roller skating and ice skating)

Dislikes (7+):

  • Frogs
  • Insects
  • Feeling useless
  • Boredom
  • Bad hair days
  • Hot days
  • Irritating sounds


HaeNa is very fun to be with. Her goal in life is to enjoy it and just go with the flow. She's a happy-go-lucky and carefree girl. She is valued very much by her friends for she really is the ideal type to be with when you're bored. For her best friends or special friends, she watches the sunset with them or they usually go roller skating or ice skating. She's very cheerful ang laughs alotAlthough she may always seem too happy for her own good, she is very serious with taking care of things or people. She loves being busy with doing something whether its useful or not since she can easily get bored. 

Style: Casual Formal Dorm Training


  • Playing Piano
  • Skating
  • Watching Sunsets
  • Stargazing
  • Listening to music
  • Practicing


  • Lip biting or her lips
  • Stuttering when surprised
  • pacing around
  • Sleepwalking (sometimes)
  • staring off to space

Pictures: here here here
Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong
Ulzzang backup: Lee Dasom
Music types: any

Parents (name/age/job/description):


Father: Lee Hyunji

Age: 48

Job: Lawyer

Personality: In contrast to Hae's loudness, her father is more of the man of a few words. He's very strict when it comes to punctuality. He may seem cold sometimes but he's actually a very loving man especially to his family.


Mother: Lee Syeo Rin

Age: 46

Job: none

Personality: She's where HaeNa got her bubbly and always happy attitude. Haena's mom is very kind and up-beat. She loves being updated on what the generation today is going crazy about. In other words, she's very youthful and full of happiness. She brings the light to their house family.



Sidings [same stuff as parents (up to 3 idol siblings)]: 

Brother: Lee Donghae

Age: 25

Job: Idol

He is very funny, childish and kind hearted. He loves to sing and dance. He's a very protective and loving oppa for Haena. He likes to fool around and that's why their house is very quiet when he's not around. 

Family members [relationship (up to 5 idols)]: Father, Mother, Donghae (brother)

HaeNa grew up in a rather normal but happy family. Her father  worked hard as a lawyer and her mom was always there to support her and her brother. She spent most of her childhood in workshops or in talent classes.Her mom had doubts but her father and brother always told her to keep up her work. By the age of 9, she was used to going to her school, the workshop and back home alone because of her family's busy work. When she decided to audition, her mother tried to stop her and told her to just go back to studying but she insisted she wanted this and her father had a small doubt but he approved anyway along with her mother.

{if you put Taemin as your first, your chance of being chooses went down sorry} 
[must be an idol!]
1. Lovers name: Kim Kibum (Key)
Age: 21
Picture: 1 2 3
Relationship: Best Friends/ Mutual Understanding
How you meet:

The two actually met in the hallways of SMEnt. HaeNa was on her way out for some fresh air when she got lost and decided to ask someone for directions. She stumbled upon Key and since he was also going out they decided to get to know each other more which eventually lead to HaeNa falling for Key.
2. Lovers name:
How you meet:

Intelligence: She's pretty smart and she studies hard since she wants to make her parents proud.
Position in a group: Main Rapper, Sub-dancer
Stage name: HaeNa/ Hae
Childhood: She spent most of her childhood going to workshops or in talent classes with her brother.
Kpop life: Her trainee life was just like the days when  she's in talent classes or workshops but it is more intense and exciting.
Rivals (up to 2 idols): Seohyun (SNSD)
Nickname in group: The Happy-Go-Lucky Princess
Color: Neon Green
Grade in School: A

Any comments, concerns, or notes for me?: Goodluck with your story!! Hwaiting!


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Your application was great sooo . . .

Congrats! You are CHOOSEN! Your member will be out tonight or early tomorrow!

Quicky question!: what can be changed in your application? (I.e. age position LOVER)
Thank you for the app!

Next member comes out tomorrow!