AFF name: iheartkwangmin

Name: Jung Jinah 

Nickname: JJ

Age: 17

Height: 163cm

Weight: 43kg

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean


Appearance: Ban Nam Gyu 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

style: training (shorts/jogging pants and shirt) || casual (skinny jeans and large shirts; a big no to skirts) || formal (white dresses)  || dorm (jeans and sweatshirts)

Back up appearance: Park Boram 1 || 2 || 3 || 4


stage name: JJ

persona: Master of Tongue Twisters

personal fan club name: JAYERS


Personality: Jinah is a very childish girl. She is competitive and doesn't take everything seriously unless it really means something to her. Jeez, this girl can lie a hundred times without feeling guilty. She is a rebel. She likes doing things the way she wants to and doesn't like being ordered around. Even though she has this rebel aura, she is very quiet. She is quiet but not shy. She has full confidence in herself. She gets annoyed with bubbly and talkative people. She gets mad easily and can throw a punch. Jinah is independent and doesn't like being pitied on. She has a lot of words in mind but doesn't say it and when she does, she won't stop rambling.

Though she is a rebel, she cares for her family. She loves her parents even though they seldom see each other. She cares for her little brother more than herself. She doesn't show her weak side to anyone but her mother. She is supported by her brother which makes her work harder. Jinah will not stop unless she finishes what she has started. She is a rebel but not those rebels who do nothing in life. She is a rebel to stand up for herself because she knows that one day she will have no one to have by her side.

Hobbies: dancing, rapping, writing lyrics, choreography, playing the rubiks cube, collecting sneakers

Habits: moving her tongue when angry, moving when there's a certain beat, sleeping while standing, answering back or cutting someone's statement when she's annoyed

Likes: sweets, hip hop, loud music, random dancing/rapping, sneakers

Dislikes: high-pitched voice, quiet places, being disturbed, cleaning her room, being ordered around, being spyed on (like when she's dancing or rapping alone someone is watching) 

fears: insects, blood, skinship with people she barely knows, being in water (like swimming pools, oceans, etc.) 


Family members: [Jung Mi Sun || 38 || mother || Head of Billing Dept. of their furniture company]

[Jung Joon Young || 38 || father || CEO of their furniture company]

siblings: [Jung Jin-Oh || 12 || brother || 6th Grade student]

Friends: [Lee Taemin of SHINee]


love interest: L.Joe

his personality: L.Joe is a playful guy. He likes teasing (-cough- bullying -cough-) people especially Ricky. He is a happy guy to be exact. When he's angry he'll be the opposite. He loves seeing people in misery. He is arrogant. He is very competitive and does not like losing.

are you together?: no

if so, how did you guys get together?: --

if you're single, are you both crushing?: well kind of I guess...It goes this way (I think?) L.Joe annoys Jinah which makes Jinah hate him. But when QuEen B was required to do a filming in a pool L.Joe saves Jinah from drowning. This made Jinah's feelings for L.Joe develop. L.Joe is unaware of Jinah's feeling and only looks at her as another person to tease. Little did he know, his teasings are helping him to know Jinah more. 

what kind of relationship do/will you have?: confusing one? hate-love? (is it too cliche? ;~;)

if single, how will you get together?: L.Joe will force Jinah to confess her feelings since she's too darn arrogant and then poof!~


past relationships?: no

if so, how long did you date?: --

why did you break up?: --

rival who gets in between your love: err...a crazy fangirl? or L.Joe's past realationship maybe?


Questions?: Is my application okay? ;w;

Any scene suggestions?: Teen Top and QuEen B Special Stage or Showdown 

profanity is going to be used, are you ok with that?: OF COURSE! XD


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@marilyn2pm it's okay~^^
marilyn2pm #2
Oh I added something in the application. You just need to fill out the friends part that is under siblings. Idols and non idols are welcome. :) Mianhe for changing it on you!
marilyn2pm #3
Thank you for applying! I love your app already!keke