T-BOS application


username: clearplastic
name: Lee Jinhwan Pyyong
birthname: - 
date of birth: 14/08/1993
age: 18, 19 this year.
blood type: AB
height: 177cm
weight: 57kg
enlistment: have you completed your manditory military enlistment? y
APPEARANCE (I forgot..)
ulzzang name: Hwang Jin Uk
photo: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
personality: Jinhwan is very responsible and orderly. He keeps his things neatly and always, well, basically does everything neatly and as orderly as possible. He's a complete neat freak, and he will wipe his camera VERY often, maybe even three times a day just to keep dust from collecting.
He loves his camera very much and taking pictures. He has a leadership responsibility. He has a habit of going around the house to see which place is dirty and which is not. He'll never turn down a request. He sometimes loves to act childish like a 5 year old. He may look scary but he's really just a friendly and caring boy.
likes: clean places, rainy weather, technology, chilli, ketchup, Pokemon, making juice for members in the group, taking pictures, dancing to any kind of music.
dislikes: dirty and unkempt places, Mondays, hot weather, Science, thunder, Art,
trivia: scared of cats, scared of thunder, is a Shawol and VIP, is a Christian, has met Big Bang and SHINee before up close, got attacked by a cat once, failed his Art more than five times, 
background: He was born in Singapore and moved to Korea when he was 10 to pursue his studies. He got used to the warm environment in Singapore, so when he went to Korea he was totally not used to the cold weather at all. He lived with his grandparents till he turned 20, then went to live on his own in a smaller apartment close to their house. He noticed that there was a flyer looking for talented people in a new boy band, so he went to have a look. His grandparents and parents readily agreed, they knew he had a thing for dancing and rapping.
He knew he was gay when he was attracted to many boys and he always went hard seeing hot guys. He told his grandparents but he didnt tell his parents, he was scared they would disown him but his grandparents accepted the fact and told him it was okay. They told his parents but they would take him in if they disowned him, besides there was nothing wrong with being gay.
family members:
Lee Jinsu/dad/47/master at repairing tools.
Lee Minki/mom/45/good at house keeping but terrible at cutting nails.
Stage information
stage name: Jun ( pronounced as Joon
position: Dancer, Rapper, Leader.
group persona: The Joker
trainee experience: he loved to train, especially in Dancing and Rapping. Dancing is his speciality but so is Rapping. He will skip at least 300 times a day and does pumping at least 200 times a day, and sit-ups at least 100 times to keep himself fit and healthy, and full of energy and stamina. he doesn't get tired very easily and has won competitions and marathons before. He doesn't slack during training and gives his best.
years trained: 3.5
side job: apart from DJ-ing and MC-ing, he works half time at his own store called JuiceBoost, he's rich enough to employ people to work for him.
Love-life information
love interest: your character, lol, or Lee Taemin.
are you dating: uhmm, yes? ( up to you. )
how did/do you meet: Jinhwan was working when ( your character name here ) / Taemin walked in and ordered a donut, and they started talking like they were old buddies.
first impression: cute, bubbly and friendly.
extra: he has abs x3


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clearplastic #1
alright XD
lemme find.
Nice app indeed but your ulzzang's been shotgunned by boyfriends xD Any chance you can switch ulzzangs?